So... how do bears make babies?

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They mate mid-spring to mid-summer (specifically said from May to July). They stay with their partners for a few days, maybe a few weeks. They're ready to have babies when they're around 4-5 years old.

Then they hibernate. The embryo is in the mom's belly for 6 months. After the big sleep, it usually takes up to 8 weeks for a baby bear to be born- but if the mother doesn't gain enough weight, there's a really high possibility that the baby (embryo) will not survive :( Unfortunately, there is no one to take care of the mother (for example bring her food or something like that) because the dad bear always leaves. A mama bear is a single mother.

When a cub is born (there's normally 3), it is blind, toothless and hairless and they weight only half a kilogram!
They live off their momma's milk for their first weeks of life. By spring, they weight from 7 to 9 kilograms.
A mama bear can "adopt" a stray cub, too!

The cubs have a really close relationship with their mother. They are completely dependent oh her, and without her they could not be able to survive. They stay with her for 1,5 years, then they separate.

Bears can be really loving creatures!

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