Chapter 39~

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Dylan's POV~

I woke up at 4:00 am and couldn't fall back to sleep, we have school today and Luke is going to have a major hangover. I already showered at his place about 10 minutes ago, and right now I'm getting ready as much as I can here because all my stuffs at my house. We went to bed kinda early last night so I'm not really that tired. Anyway, I should probably wake up Luke.

"Luke." I say crawling on the bed and shaking him, when he doesn't move I shake him again. "Luke! Get up." I yell, now sitting on his hips. "No, stop." He whines, rubbing his eyes. "Yes, get up. We missed a lot of school, and my stuffs at my house. So get ready." He tiredly sits up and sets me to the side. "You picked out my outfit?" He asks looking at the clothes I have set out for him.

I nod, and he grabs his clothes, then kisses my forehead. "Thanks Dyl, I'm going to go get ready." He announces before leaving the room. I'm still in my pajamas, all I have to do is my make-up and get dressed. Oh, and also straighten my hair which'll take an hour all together. He comes out with his hair in a quiff, and his outfit, looking amazing as always. "Ready to go to yours?" He asks, standing by the door with his keys.

"Yeah, lets go." I go in front of him, and down the stairs. I go out the front door, and get in the car waiting for him leave the driveway.

We arrive at my house, just around 5:00am. Luke has been constantly complaining how he 'only' got 9 hours of sleep and at least needs 11. Here we are now, me sitting on my floor finishing my hair while he sits on my bed on his phone telling me to hurry up. I finish my hair and unplug my straightener, finally done getting ready we still have 10 minutes before we have to leave though so we made good timing.

I do my make-up while Luke throws his phone up and down and the air, "You know, Dyl. I'm watching you put on make-up and wondering why you ever put it on." Luke tells me, making my heart flutter. I finish my make-up and walk up to him, "Thank you, lets go." I say and kiss his cheek. He picks me up, and as an instinct I wrap my legs around his waist. I giggle as he runs down the stairs, holding me tight.

We walk out the door, and he brings me to the passenger side putting me in like I'm some fragile china doll. He walks round to his door, holding a smile on this face. He exits my driveway and we make our way to school. We enter the school parking lot and I immediately see Niall with his friend Lawrence, out my window and open my door. Luke doing the same.

"I was going to open it for you." Luke pouts, "Sorry, babe." I chuckle. "Hi Niall." I chirp, Luke by my side. "Oh hey, Dylan!" Niall smiles. "Well, I'll catch up with you guys later. Bye babe." I say pecking Luke real quick. He returns the favor and I walk to class.

Luke's P.O.V~

I watch as Dylan jogs off to class, and I slowly walk away from Niall and Lawrence even though I have algebra in 5 minutes and there both in that class. I take out a cigarette smoking it real quick, before I get caught. I throw it on the ground and step on it, then pull out a piece of gum. I stick in my headphones, listening to blink and walk to class. When I make it to Ms.McNeil's class I take a seat in the back, and close my eyes.

"Hey, Niall." I hear Lawrence's loud annoying voice waking me up from my sleep. I don't open my eyes, not bothering to see what that annoying neat freak has to say and try to sleep again. "Isn't that Luke kid dating Dylan?" I hear Lawrence ask Niall making my ears perk, but I stay put. He must think I'm sleeping. "Yeah." Niall confirms. "But, didn't you kiss Dylan?" I hear, making my fist clench by my sides. Its taking me everything I've got not to get up and knock both of them off there asses.

"Yep." Niall confirms again. What the actual fuck, when was this? Luke.. Calm down. Just listen. "When they were dating?" He asks yet another fucking question. If it was while we were dating I will get up and beat the shit out of both of them. "Yeah, but a while back." That's it. I stand up quickly, my chair shooting back behind me knocking over. "What the fuck did you just say?!" I yell, running over to Niall and tackle him, I swing at his face and hear either his jaw or nose crack.

"You kissed my fucking girlfriend?" I scream throwing my fists at the short Irish boy's face. "Mr.Hemmings!" Our principle yells. I feel multiple hands pulling me off the boy and I finally stand up seeing the bloody and bruised boy. I spit on him and get dragged down to the principals office, can I sue him for this? No. Probably not. But Niall can sue me. I sit in the student chair in the principals office, and the Mr.Johnson sits in his chair.

"Luke, that boy is going to have to go the hospital! You took it way too far now. I'm going to have to expel you." He sighs. "No! You can't please, I'll do anything." I can't be taken away from Dylan; even if she did kiss Niall. "I have a good reason, he kissed my girlfriend." I say crossing my arms. "Doesn't mean you beat him half to death like he killed your family." He states making me more pissed. "Don't ever bring up my family!" I yell, and he puts up his hands in defense.

"My apologizes." He mutters. "Ms.Blake is your girlfriend, correct?" He asks, and I nod keeping a blank expression.

"I'm going to have to call her down." He says picking up the phone to dial out. Great.

A/N; Long ass chapter but hey guys! I'm back. Also, a special thank you to @mylife_is for all her sweet comments. Love you. Xx.

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