Chapter 19~

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Dylan's POV~

After listening to the boys conversation it sounded like they were going to fight, I was completely nervous to be honest. We arrived at a house, pretty normal sized and it appeared we were the only ones here.

Harry went around and opened my door because of the child lock he turned on. Oh, don't even dare to think he was being a gentlemen. I want Luke, I don't care if we were fighting I want to jump into his arms and spin around.

Harry grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me in, he also locked the door. "If you do win, what do you plan to do w-with me?" I asked a bit more frightened than I should have. This is different than when Luke kidnapped me, I felt safe with him.

"Oh babe, you don't even want to know." He said walking towards me and I walked back till I hit the wall, "Get away, I'll hit you in your family jewels.. Biatcchhhh." I said in a ghetto tone, a bit serious too.

Harry chuckled and was about to put his hands on my hips, when I knee'd to him in the balls. He clutched his area and fell to his knees. "Oh, fuck. You bitch." He groaned. "You are going to regret that later, after I fight pretty boy and win." He said confidently standing up as I scoffed.

Harry put me on the couch and threatened if I don't move he will, "Do some stuff I'll regret." He also said, to watch him and 'pretty boy' fight without interruptions and stay there.

A doorbell rang from the front door, and echoed throughout the house. "Stay there and do not move." He motioned towards the coach, "We will fight there." He pointed towards the large empty area in front of me and made his way to the doorway to open it and let Luke in & begin. Fuck.

Luke's POV~

I knocked on the door, when in reality I should have just barged in. I could hear Harry giving my baby a lecture, I should just knock him out when he opens the door. But, that'll just make it worse so for Dylan's sake - I won't.

Harry opened the door and his face had applied a smirk onto it. Mine held a hard glare and this was very funny, because I'm much taller too. I stepped in without his permission. "Where are we fighting?" I asked without emotion.

"Over there, in front of Dylan so she can watch me beat the shit out of you. Also, do not touch her. I will hurt her." He motioned towards Dylan, "Dylan, I'm not going to hug you as much as I want too because of your sake but I'm so sorry baby." My glare turned into a sappy face.

"It's okay. Luke please be okay, I love you." She said and my heart sped up at her words, man up Luke! "I love you too." I smiled a weak smile. "Okay lovebirds, well not for long. Let's get a move on with this fight shall we?" Harry smirked.

A/N- Hey guys, tomorrow I'll post a wicked long chapter or the next day. But, until then here is a quick chapter. Enjoy. Xx

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