Chapter 3~

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Dylan's POV~

About 20 minutes into class I received a note flung at my boot, I was about to unfold it when Luke got called on, "Can I use the bathroom?" He asked. "Sure, hurry up though," The teacher stated. I opened up the note and it read;

Ask to use the bathroom then, meet me in the hall babe. - Luke xx

I slipped the note in my bag, and nervously raised my hand. "Could I go use the bathroom sir?" He just nodded. I walked into the hall.. no trace of Luke. Just when I'm about to go, a hand is around my wrist, I turn around to find Luke, typical smirk, his gorgeous.. WHAT STOP. You can't think that! He's just a punk.

"Hey babe." He bit his bottom lip, checking me out. "What do you want?" I spat.
"Well first of all, you're name. Babe." He said babe again, to piss me off. "Dylan! Just stop calling me that!" I yelled. "Calm the fuck down! God, you're so hot." His anger at the beginning of his sentence turned into pure horniness, which made me gag.

"Just stay away, and there won't be a fucking problem you punk." I spat. "But babe, you are my problem. You're mine now." He chuckled. "I don't e-even know you, leave me alone.. and for the last time, I'm not you're babe."

"Whatever you say, babe." He smirked and just walked away..

taken - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now