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          I've never had a female hold a gun up to me before. I honestly thought that she was going to kill me without so much as a blink. As much as her father was a pussy, he taught her well. She held her gun tightly as she walked beside me. She was a copy of her father. Always on alert, hot-headed, and keen. If she was really a copy of her father, that meant that she'd be just as careless as him. A careless man who one day decided to kill my father. Being the man that I am, I could easily make her fatherless. But I chose the high road. And besides, I have no problem with her. I'd bet you that if I killed her father right now, she'd be happy.

"Don't your feet hurt?" I ask her as I notice her slight limp.
"No. I'm fine," she replies quickly without a glance my way.
"You're lying," I sigh before I scoop her right into my arms bridal style.
"Put me the fuck down!"
"I'm serious put me down. Now."
"I'm serious too. So no. I'm going to carry you to my car, we're gonna go get your friend and then go home."

          She sighs and rolls her eyes. Before I can even react she pushes her legs up and wraps them around my neck twists herself until she lands on top of me then uses her weight to push me to the ground. Before I land face to the ground she flips me over and holds me up by my tie. I was in between her legs, nearly under her dress as she gives me a death stare from above.

"I don't take orders from anyone. It's the other way around. Now you listen to me and listen closely because I'm not going to repeat this. Just because my asshole of a father put me up for auction, and you decided to buy me, doesn't mean that you own me and that you're allowed to do whatever you want with me. I am my own person. I don't you or any other man to coddle me. Capiscimi?"

          I look into her pale and magnetic hazel eyes that seem to pierce into my brown ones.
"Ti capisco fiorellino mio." I grin.
"Don't call me that," she states as she lets go of my tie, causing me to slam to the ground. I slightly grunt and pick myself up as she continues to walk ahead of me. I catch up to her and she looks at me with a sneer.
"Can't you just disappear?"
"Well, no, I can't."
"Keep pissing me off, I'll shoot you without batting an eye," she replies as she flicks her gun towards my leg.
"Woah, I didn't know I bought a honey badger."
"The fuck did you just call me?" she whips her head to face me.
"A honey badger. Someone who doesn't care."
"You have no right to call me that. You don't even know me."
"I might not know the nitty-gritty things about you, but I'll find out eventually. That's my car right there, let's go. Do you know where your friend is?"
"I'm not sure. I tried calling her yesterday and she didn't pick up. I'm afraid something bad happened to her."
"Try calling her again."
"That's what I'm doing," she mumbles as she pulls out her phone.
          She puts the phone to her ear and I hear the faint ringing. It then goes to voicemail. She sighs and puts her phone back in her pocket.
"She might be back at my house. Can we check there?"
"I thought you said you didn't want to go back there," I reply as I start putting her things in the trunk.
"I don't. But for her, I'd do anything. She treats me like an actual human being. And she's more of a mother than my birth-giver will ever be."
"Nothing, just your tone. Calling your mother your birth-giver."
"All the shit she's done to me and I'm supposed to call her mom? No thank you. A mother cares for your safety and wellbeing. That lady was glad to get rid of me. Sorry I don't have a good relationship with mine like you do with yours."
"How do you know that I have a good relationship with my mother?"
"If you didn't you wouldn't have commented."
"You're a perceptive one aren't you."
"I guess so." she shrugs as we get inside of the car.

          I start to drive away and she calls her friend one more time before she gives up.
"So, what's your favorite food."
"What? Why are you asking me that."
"Why can't I? I just wanna know, I told you, I'm gonna learn all the little stuff about you."
"I like seafood and pasta, figure out the rest."
"Look, I'm not a bad person Adara. I wasn't the one who put you on that stage-"
"But you still bought me."
"Let me finish. All those other people who bid on you most likely had horrible plans for you. Your parents rarely let you out of your home for a reason. I hope you know that your family is one of the most hated and feared mafia families. Why would they even consider putting you up for auction beats me but they missed the fact that there are people who wish that they could be you and there are people who wish that they could kill you. I, on the other hand, could care less. Even though your father and I haven't been on the same page lately, which was his fault, by the way, I bought you because I simply need something from you."
"And what would that be?"
"I need you to have my children."

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