Dementors are creepy...

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[As the Hogwarts Express bleats its horn, we crane over the milling hprde of students. Parents hurry their children on board, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... And Mrs. Weasley dashes through the throng and up to an open window.]

Mrs. Weasley : Ron! (she hands Scabbers through the open window to him) don't lose him! (and waves)

All the FK's glare at the rat like always whenever it is shown, this does not go unnoticed by Phoenix, who always glances at them to see how they react to every scene, and Damon, who glances at Phoenix and follows her line of sight

[The aisle teems with students on the trai. Harry, Ron and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment.]

Harry : I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... (troubled by the memory) lost control

"This sentence out of context would sound so concerning" Marlene giggles with Dorcas

Ron: Brilliant!

Hermione : Honestly, Ron, its not funny. Harry's lucky he wasn't expelled

Someone whisperred "or worse expelled " but many heard it as Hermione blushes while FK's send her teasing looks

Ron : I still think it was brilliant

[SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A copy of The Monster Book of Monsters scuttles crab-like down aisle, pursued by Neville. ]

Neville : Hi Harry. Ron. Hermione

All three : Hi Neville (as he bumps past, Hermione nods to a compartment)

Hermione : C'mon. We're in here.

[As they slip inside, they find a man in shabby robe slumped against the window, asleep. He looks ill, exhausted, the trio eye him warily.]

"Moony? " the marauders whisperred

Ron : Who d'you reckon he is?

Hermione : Professor R.J.Lupin

"MOONY!! " people of great hall had to cover their ears as the Marauders scream meanwhile Remus facepalmed with a look on face that says 'See what I have to deal with'

Ron : You know everything. How is it she knows everything

Hermione : It's on his suitcase, Ronald. (she points. Stampedin peeling letters on a battered case is "Professor R.J.Lupin"]

Harry : Is he really asleep?

Hermione : Seems to be. Why? What is it Harry?

Harry :Close the door

[ Hermione and Ron exchange a curious glance, then Ron rises, slides the door shut, over camera, and we cut to storm clouds, like dark ghost, toss sheets of rain onto the scarlet engine as it heads north. Ron and Hermione stare at Harry, faces striken in the lantern light that now glows in the compartment. Crookshanks slubers in his cage]

"Idiot... " needless to say Harry was offended at nods, pointed stares at him and sounds of agreement that rang through the hall

Ron : let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?


Harry : Yes

"I give up" James said exasperatedly meanwhile Sirius is thinking would he have really done but he immediately stopped thinking about when he felt someone 's hand in his looking Remus smiled softly but the moment was ruined when James pat his back (in the background you could see Phoenix facepalm)

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