Hippogriff's don't like Malfoys

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Guys buckle up. It's gonna be a long chapter. The longest I ever wrote I mean.

[The trio emerge from the bridge and make their way toward Hagrid's hut. The Whomping Willow looms in the distance.]

Hermione : Death Omens. Honestly if you ask me, Divination's a very wooly subject. Now Ancient Runes. That's a fascinating subject.

Ron : Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?

Hermione : A fair few.

Ron : Hang on. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once.

Safe to say, everyone was confused. How is Hermione attending all the classes then? But the Professors had an idea, How.

The Marauders looked at Lily, Remus and Phoenix, the smart ones of their group but they just smirked at them

Barty crouch Jr. and Rabastan Lestrange experienced the same when they looked at Regulas who was also smirking

The Mikaelsons understood what was going on as Phoenix muttered under her breath, catching them up so far and explained how Hermione was able to attend two classes at once

Hermione : Don't be silly. How could anyone be in two places at once (mimicking Trelawney) Broaden your minds, use your inner minds to see the future.

"Unless you can time travel" Damon hinted at people with a smug look when he caught-on the people who already knew looked at him, all having the same look, amused. But the ones who didn't know were frustrated. How is Hermione at two places at once?

[Students gather around Hagrid as Harry, Ron and Hermione arrive. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle stand with the Slytherins.]

Hagrid : C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin'up. Follow me.

[Hagrid leads them toward a small paddock just the side of the Forbidden Forest. In the Paddock, a freestanding iron rack hangs with the dead ferrets, buzzing with flies. Nearby is a pumpkin patch.]

"Now I understood why the Hippogriff didn't like you Malfoy. It's because it eats ferrets" Harry looked towards Draco teasing him while Draco just flipped him off while smiling sarcastically. The FK's chuckled. The others were confused.

"What the bloody hell is a Hippogriff?" Rebekah asked Ron replied "You will see for yourself in two minutes"

Hagrid : Gather 'round. Find yerself a spot. That's it. Now firs'thin yeh'll ter do is open yer books--

Draco : And exactly how do we do that?

[Hagrid looks. Belts, rope, spellotape : available have been employed to bridle "The Monster Book of Monsters", which quivers violently.]

Hagrid : Crikey. Didn' yeh know? All yeh've got ter do is stroke 'em. Look--(Hagrid takes Hermione's copy, snaps the spellotape binding it. As it begins to bite, Hagrid clamly runs a forefinger down the back's spine and it...shivers. Falls quietly open. Hagrid glances at the class, looking suddenly unsure.) Righ' then. So...so...yeh've got yer books, an' now yeh need the magical creatures. Right. So... I'll-I'll go an'get 'em. (Hagrid leaves)

"I like that book" Maya looks towards her mother with puppy dog eyes, in hopes she would buy it. "No" was the only response from her mother

Kol was doing the same with Elijah as he too replied "No". Currently Kol was pouting as Klaus, Rebekah and Stacy chuckle at his expense

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