Phoenix Takes a class? Poor Kids...

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[As Lavender and Parvati huddle over a dozen teacups, avidly interpreting patterns in hushed voices , Draco, arm bound in a sling, holds court before a clot of Slytherins ]

Pansy : Does it hurt terribly Draco?

The FK's shot deadpanned looks towards Draco who sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck

Draco : (a tad theatrical) it comes and goes. Still...I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two...and I could've lost the arm

"Seriously?" Said Narcissa

"Don't you mean Siriusly" Sirius smiled cheekily

"You will Siriusly be dead if I hear that joke one more time" threatened Bellatrix as Phoenix High Fived her and Sirius shot her a look of betrayal

Meanwhile Kol was eating pop corn enjoying the drama, no one knows where he got it from though the Mikaelsons shot a suspicious look towards Stacy who was having a innocent look on her face

[Harry, Ron and Hermione watch from the Gryffindor table]

Ron : That little git, he's really laying it on thick, isn't he?

Harry : Atleast Hagrid didn't get sacked

Hermione : Yes. But I hear Draco's Father's been furious. I don't think we've heard the end of this.

Phoenix glared at Lucius "I swear to God, I will cut your dick off, if anything happens to the Hippogriff"

Narcissa who was also glaring at Lucius " and I will help her"

Safe to say Lucius looked traumatized along with many men

Seamus : He's been sighted!!

[They turn. Seamus and the other Gryffindors are huddled over a copy of the Daily Prophet]

Ron : Who?

[But the Photograph on the prophet's front page provides a chilling answer : Sirius Black. Hermione reads over the shoulders of the others, half whispering to herself ]

Sirius sighed " Siriusly"he said, then a shoe hit Sirius on the head from which he fell off of his seat, everyone looked towards Bellatrix but she looked just as surprised as everyone else but when they looked towards Andromeda their suprised looks increased as she was missing a shoe and had a satisfied look on her face with her husband's jaw dropped. Everyone was able to connect the dots

Hermione : Achintee. That's not far from here...

Neville : You don't think he's going to come to Hogwatrs do you?

Lavender : With Dementors at every entrance

Dean : Dementors? He's already slipped by them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he can't do it again?

[As a flicker of fear passes through Harry's face, Bem, grimly stares at the grainy image of Black ]

Bem : That's Right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.

"They all are feeding Sirius's ego, he is not THAT dangerous" Regulus said disappointed, he regretted saying it when Sirius dramatically wiped his imaginary tears

Hermione : Oh stop it, all of you. Professor Rosecharm would catch him in no time (with a confident smile)

Parvati : But I heard that Black broke Professor Rosecharm's heart--

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