Chapter Four

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"That don't matter honey bun, you and me forever, no matter our history," Pulmo said, sending a wink towards Kanye.

Kanye came closer and gave Pulmo a big wet kiss on the lips.

"Ok" said Ye West.

Pulmo backed up. "A little too far babe, still waiting for marriage, you know?" said Pulmo

"OK let's take it to Discord then, my sugar baby boo boo money babe lover."

"Alr honey bun... but let's wait a little, my wifi is down..." Pulmo said.

"K" said Kanye.

......17 year later........

Satanick life was bitter; he couldn't go on anymore. After seeing the love of his life go on with his mortal enemy, he was weak in the knees. Every single day he would be reminded of the same events over and over again, there was no way he could avoid it. They would just keep replaying in his theater of loneliness: his mind. Satanick would go on to live in this agony for years, 17 of them. For 17 long, plagiarizing years he would live with sadness, guilt, anger, and thousands of other emotions on his shoulders. Satanick was tired. He was tired of feeling like garbage, he was tired of living in this depressful, disparaging, world and he wanted to change that.. But how? Well, that's where Satanick was stuck. Satanick used to be a happy boy, when he was in his early teenage years, before puberty but after those couple years of joy, it seemed like it just got taken away from him. But why? This was Satanick's 2nd question, why was all of his joy and happiness taken away from him right when his life was getting better? Why did that chick named Pulmo have to show up right when his world seemed to be butterflies and rainbows, just why..

Satanick sat in his shed, working away at the fake Gucci bag. Satanick thought his costumers were stupid, who the hell would buy a $200 bootleg gucci bag that didn't even have an original design, well obviously some people but still, he couldn't stop himself from thinking it was utterly idiotoc of them.

"Ouch," he said. Satanick had accidentally stabbed himself with the needle. He got up and walked over to the bookshelf which was decorated with pictures of him and his family, and had a couple books there and there. He grabbed a bandaid and wrapped it around his finger and then went to walk back to his desk until he caught his reflection in his mirror.

"Oh my god.." said Satanick. He knew that he looked bad considering he was pulling all nighters and living off lean and monster but he didn't think he would look like this. He didn't think he would look like a damn mole rat? He was shocked and at the moment he knew he wanted to change his life and turn it around, but how? Which was the answer he's been asking for years and the answer he's never been able to solve.

"Forget it.." He said, for he knew that he was never going to be able to turn his life around and he knew for a fact that if he tried, he would just give up; like every-other time.

He sat back down and started working again, he was sure that he was going to get arthritis some day in his back and in his fingers. Satanick took a break, he didn't have much to do considering that most of his work was pre-done but of course someone had to order one that was out of stalk and of course they wanted it today. He would have rejected them if it wasn't for them bumping up the price. They said $500 instead of $200 and who was he to decline?

Satanick sighed, he was tired but he needed to get this done by 3:30 this afternoon, he only needed to add a clasp and some more stitching and then he would be done he told himself.

He had started this at 5 in the morning and only stopped to go pee or take a fat dump, not even to eat so he was starving.

Hours later and he was finally done for the day, he was happy but not for long because now he had nothing to do. No friends to hang out with, no family to talk to and lastly, no partner to share his love with..

Satanick started to break down into tears. This week was hard for him. All days are hard, all weeks are hard, but this time it was especially hard. He was so stressed and had no one to talk to.. He couldn't do this anymore; he wanted to end it all.

"It's been hard...I've had enough lord....I can't keep selling these gosh darned bootlegs..." Satanick started to break down about his situation being unable to handle all negotiations about it, "Why? Why? Oh the love of the first time of my life, you gave me everything I needed. All I've ever wanted..Why?

He thought, "Why am I like this.. Why am I so lonely.. I wish I had someone to love..Someone to grasp me.."

But there was no one to get home to; no one to make him feel alright. He thought about how on that day, in the ocean; what he could have done differently.. What if when Kanye showed up he confessed right there and then what if he drowned that ugly ### chick named Pulmo.. Would I have been in a relationship with Kanye? All these questions circled the poor man's mind, he was losing it. Satanick wasn't feeling like himself, he felt weird. Something in satanick snapped, he started going haywire. Satanick started throwing stuff around, he started shoving things off his desk, he started to scream his lungs out, he was going psycho and he couldn't stop himself.

Satanick knew that this wasn't right, he knew that he shouldn't be doing this, but why was he still doing it anyway? Satanick didn't know; it was like something had possessed him. It was like he was being controlled..

"STOP, STOP PLEASE AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE." Satick yelled, he sounded like he was being murdered. Satanick kept on throwing things around and then he walked over to his shelf. Once there he started throwing the few books and pictures he had onto the ground, stomping on them.

Hours had passed and Satanick was worn out, he was tired and he had wasted all his energy not from just throwing a tantrum but from also being worn out this whole week; surviving off monsters, lean, and a few twinkies isn't enough to keep someone going and he knew that but he didn't stop, he needed to get this work done, even if it meant overworking himself to pure exhaustion.

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