I Conjure You

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I salute and conjure you, O beautiful Moon, O beautiful star, O bright light, which I hold in my hand!

By the air that I breathe, by the breath that is within me, by the earth that I touch, I conjure you, and by all the names of the spirits who are princes residing in you.

I conjure you again by all the Divine Names of God, that you send down to obsess, torment, and harass the body, spirit, soul, and five senses of the nature of him, whose name is written here below, in such a way that he shall come unto me and accomplish my will.

Go then, promptly; go, Melchidael, Bareschas, Zazel, Firiel, Mancha, and all those who are without you. I conjure you by the great living God to accomplish my will, and I, do promise to satisfy you duly.

Thoughts from a Lovesick WitchWhere stories live. Discover now