Pierce Thee in The Heart

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May Love, the disquieter, disquiet thee. Do not hold out upon thy bed! With the terrible arrow of Kâma do I pierce thee in the heart.

The arrow, winged with longing, barbed with love, whose shaft is undeviating desire, with that, well-aimed, Kâma shall pierce thee in the heart!

With that well-aimes arrow of Kâma which parches the spleen, whose plume flies forward, which burns up, do O pierce thee in the heart.

Consumed by burning ardor, with parched mouth, do thou come to him, pliant, thy pride laid aside, mine alone, speaking sweetly and to me devoted!

I drive thee with a goad from thy mother and thy father, so that thou shall be in my power, shall come up to my wish.

All his thoughts do ye, O Mitra and Varina, drive out of him! Then, having deprived him of his will, put him into my power alone!

Thoughts from a Lovesick WitchDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora