Waking Up

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The sun finally rose up from the sky, beaming onto the dark forest. The forest is fully alive now. The forest was full of bright light from the shining sun. The blue skies were so beautiful to look at. The clouds came out but not even a single cloud covered the sun. The sun beamed into the forest, allowing human beings to be free and spend their lives in the sunlight with no worries of demons attacking them and devouring them for lunch or dinner. It was the only time of day that human beings don't need to worry about being attacked. They can be normal in the sunlight, living their days.

Demons had no choice but to hide in the shadows. Where no sunlight doesn't hit them. If they let sunlight touch them even a little bit, they'll burn to death and turn into ashes, leaving nothing behind to remember them. To remember that they existed in the world. It was so important to stay out of the sunlight. They needed to hide in the darkness until the night came again. Until the moon rises from the night sky, allowing demons to roam into the night once again. Demons can have the chance to eat lunch and dinner. Demons can become more powerful and eat whoever they want to feast on. Demons bring pain wherever they travel too.

When the sun rose up, the sunlight beamed onto the campsite of the demon slayers. It was gruesome to even look at. Body parts were all over the place. Blood was shattered everywhere. There were no survivors left at the campsite. There was no life at the campsite, nowhere at the site. But, there was someone still alive at the campsite but he wasn't a part of the demon slayer corp when the massacre happened. A man who woke up neat by the campsite, he got up from the floor and walked to the nearest place where he can hopefully find any life to help him but when he got to the demon slayer corp campsite. He was truly horrified of what he saw. It was a ugly site to look at. He wishes that he never saw all the blood and body parts but unfortunately he did see all the blood and the body parts all over the place at the campsite.

He walked through the campsite. He tried his best to ignore the body parts and the blood but it was hard to look away from the site. It was everywhere. Every last part has blood and one single body part from a demon slayer. Who can do this to all these people? What kind of creature killed everybody at the campsite. It was crazy to even think about this at a time like this but that's all he was thinking about. What kind of creature will kill everybody and leave almost nothing behind at this campsite? He was wondering how could this happen. When did this happen? What time of day did this event happen? He had so many questions in his head that he wanted to answer right now. But he knows that he wasn't going to get his answers so fast. He hates waiting for the answer to come to him but in time he'll find out the truth of what happened at this campsite. But, who were the people who were at this campsite? He wondered what they were doing here in the first place. What kind of business were they doing here? He really wanted to know the answers right now but again, in time he'll find all the answers that he wants to know.

But one question remains in his mind. How did he get here? He doesn't remember coming into this dark forest. Why would he come into a forest like this? He has no reason to come into a forest. He had no purpose coming here. The last thing that he remembers is visiting his father's grave to the graveyard. And that's all he remembers. He didn't know where he was going in this campsite. Maybe to find some answers here. He doesn't know what he was looking for but hopefully he'll find some answers while looking around this bloody campsite with so many body parts everywhere. He wanted to throw up at the site but he held it in as best as he could. He can't let this get the best of him. He needs to be strong while. He needs to find answers that he needs answered. It took him a while to look for anything that caught his eye.

Eventually, he found what he was looking for... he guessed. He saw a piece of white hair that was glowing bright white light. It was strange for hair to glow bright white light so this was Step 1 of finding answers. What but did this bright white light glowing hair mean? How can he find answers with just glowing bright white light hair? There's no real answers. It's just a step for him to find the answers. He was getting frustrated already. He wanted the answers now. He wanted them right now.

He was trapped in his own frustration. What he didn't notice is that somebody was coming. He was so unaware of who was coming. But, soon enough he'll find out who was coming at the bloody campsite. He was screaming to himself until he heard three voices appear outside of the tent that he was inside of. He hid under a table, hoping that the three people that appeared at the bloody campsite wouldn't find him. He kept quiet as best as he could but it was hard to hide if you don't know where the voices are coming from. He still kept quiet until he heard footsteps coming into the tent that he was hiding inside of. He covered his mouth, hoping that this person won't find him. He hopes that they don't kill him without a reason. He hopes that they don't think that he was the cause of this massacre. He wasn't behind it. He didn't do this. How can he kill everybody at a campsite? That was impossible for a human to even do with well trained demon slayers.

Yes, he does know what demon slayers were. He just didn't know what era he was in. He was scared that they'd find him and kill him. He kept quiet as best as he could until the footsteps stopped. His body started to shake, he started to sweat, and his head started to spin. He kept calm as best as he could. Maybe they left the tent and left the campsite. Hoping that's the case. He wants it to be the case. He can't handle it anymore. He peaks out of the table, thinking that he was safe.

Until something hit his head and everything went black.

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