Where's Akaza?

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In the Entertainment District, Muzan walked through the remains of the buildings. This lighting city was destroyed by Darki and Gyutaro but they failed to kill the Hashira and the child that he wanted his demons to be killed. They all failed to do the job. Just a child and none have killed him. He looked at the remains. He was disappointed in them. He was glad that they were dead mostly Daki, what a dumb child. She was a waste of a demon. Gyutaro on the other hand was a demon who was worthy of being Upper Moon 6. But thanks to his sister, she led him to his death. What a shame to lose a great demon.

Never mind them, he had work to do. He looked into the remains of the Entertainment District. Muzan heard rumors that a Blue Spider Lily flower was spotted here not too long ago. It was after the Entertainment District was destroyed. That's when rumors started to arise, a flower that glowed blue was spurted here in the ruins of the Entertainment District. He looked everywhere to find the flower but there was no trance of it anyways. Those rumors were all faked. The human race tricked him. He never felt this stupid since his battle agasint the demon that almost took his life in the Sengoku era. The demon known as Yoriichi almost killed him with great fire power but luckily he saved himself right on time before Yoriichi could finish the deed. Yoriichi was one of a kind. A demon who held the sun in his hands. A red sword that was the color of blood. It brought chills up Muzan's spine just by thinking of that demon. A monster who almost took his life away from him, taking his soul and his confidence from his body. Even though Yoriichi was a powerful being, doesn't mean that he was just a weak human being just like the rest of them in the world.

After searching for so long, he screamed to the night sky in great anger. He couldn't find the Blue Spider Lily for hours. He was losing his patience already. He needed that flower and he needed it now. He wanted to grab that flower in his grasp and finally finish the formula that was undone so long ago. He had the research and the studies of how to make the formula but he needed that flower to complete it. But no luck, he couldn't find that flower anywhere. He wanted that flower so bad. He needed that flower to complete himself. To bring great power to himself and to his demons in the world. To make himself and the other demons walk into the sun... Just like that Nezuko girl. The girl who he turned into a demon when he killed the Kamado family with no mercy on them.

He was tricked by the human race that the Blue Spider Lily flower was here in the ruins of the Entertainment District. He sighed, walking away from the ruins. He wondered what took the humans to rebuild the Entertainment District. He knew they were weak but not lazy. If he was their leader, they would've already been working right now. Maybe the Entertainment District would be already built with his guidance and his power. But oh well, you can't rule everything on one day. It takes time to rule over a place. You need your army in check in order to gain power to control weaklings like the humans. But how can he rule over the humans if his demons are dropping left and right like flies everywhere with the hashira on his butt especially with those weak and small demon slayers who keep ruining his plans.

They were just low rank demon slayers, how can they keep destroying his demons especially his Upper Moons. His Upper Moons haven't changed since centuries but thanks to the hashira and those stupid demon slayers, his army has started to fall apart. He lost Gyutaro, Gyokko, Hantengu including Daki but she was nothing to him but just a stupid child. A stupid child that should've never been in the fighting field. He lost his three best Upper Moon demons. All he has left is Kokushibio, Douma, Akaza, and Nakime; his best soldiers of winning against the Demon Slayer Corp. They were the only demons who were strong enough to kill the hashiras with no problem. He knew that they'll kill those demon slayers without a heartbeat. It'll be as easy as killing a fly.

Those were the four demons that can defect any hashira that crosses their path but he does have his personal view on all of them. Nakime's power brought him pleasure for his Infinity Castle. Kokushibio was a great buiness partner to work with. He hated Douma so much. His lack of emotions was so annoying to him. He wishes he could've chosen a better demon than him but he was powerful like the rest and will help him win this war. But Akaza, he was something else. That was his favorite demon among all of them. He was a demon who's loyal and never gives up. He keeps fighting and never let the other side win the fight. He's one of the strongest demons, besides Kokushibio, never known throughout his whole long life. Akaza always followed his orders without question. He always did what he asked him to do. What makes him happy is that Akaza takes the punishments that he gives him. He takes them as a champ. No demon has ever done that. No demon can't take his punishments like he can. Akaza was one of a kind.

Speaking of Akaza, where is he? He was so caught of trying to find the Blue Spider Lily flower. He lost track of checking up on Akaza. How can he forget to check up on him. He was the one demon that had the job to look for the Blue Spider Lily. That was the only demon that he sent out to look for it. He needed to check up Akaza before he got himself into trouble. Or he loses track again and forgets about Akaza. He closes his eyes and tracks down Akaza. His mind tried to track down Akaza but no luck. It was like Akaza was disconnected somehow but he can still feel that he was alive. What was happening? He should've found him. They're linked with each other. They're connected in blood. He would've found Akaza already. He was one of the easiest demons to find throughout all of Japan.

"Akaza. Akaza. Akaza... AKAZA!!!! ANSWER ME!!! RIGHT NOW!!!"

There was no response from Akaza. It was like that Akaza was asleep in a deep slumber. He called out for Akaza again and again until Akaza answered back to him. But there was no luck, Akaza wasn't answering. He wasn't responding to his calls. Through mind connection, it was like Akaza was on hold but for how long. He didn't know the answer to that. He can't take this anymore. He can't lose another Upper Moon especially that it's one of its favorite demons and if Akaza's on hold. He needs to find answers on what happened to Akaza. Why isn't Akaza answering him? How can Akaza hold his connection with him? So many questions that he needs answered now. He wanted Answers right now. He stormed off in a rage. Calling Nakime to open a door to come back to the Infinity Castle. He needs to make a meeting with the Upper Moons.

He needs Akaza.

He wants Akaza.

Akaza is his slave.

He won't stop at nothing until he gets Akaza back to his grasp again. To bring Akaza back into his control again. He will bring him and he will take him back as his slave.

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