Kingdom Of Azra

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"So the both of you are from the future, and your mission here is to meet with Arkalis the wizard." Princess Freya stated.

"Yes, that is correct." I replied grinning, as we both lay on Christian back. I felt is best we rested a little bit, cause I was beginning to feel really tired of being in the air... plus we are almost at the kingdom were Arkalis resides, and I also think is best we rest before we meet with the great Arkalis.

"Okay.... I'm really trying to process what you just said, but is really becoming so hard. I definitely need some time to process all this." She breathes out. Well I'm glad she isn't calling me crazy, although I don't see why she would think I'm crazy, when she literally just rode on a living dragon.

"You can take your time to process everything, but we have to continue our journey." I climbed on Christian's gigantic back, held out my hand for freya... she takes my hand then gets on Christian's back also, holding onto my waist really tight as she settles in behind me.

Princess Freya, didn't take so long to adjust to all what I said to her.. cause soon enough, she was too busy asking about the future.

"So what was I like when i become a queen? And since is obvious I didn't get married to Christian, who was then my husband? Ohh, for how long did I live? How many grandkids did I end up having, cause I do want to give birth to at least five boys and six beautiful girls. So I'm sure I ended up having a lot of grandkids. Also, at what age did I die? And what killed me? Pretty sure I died of old age, after living a very fulfilling life...." She goes on and on, about so many questions of her future. I on the other hand just sighed, cause I am tired of giving her reasons on why I can't reveal the future to her.

Not only would she want to change how her life played out, but she will end up causing a catastrophic to the present time. I don't think is best that I tell her... she dies of poisoning after giving birth to just one son, and ohh her husband is the one who poisoned her. Why? Because she stirred up the people against him for a good cause. And this is the reason why she is still remembered till this day. Her death also didn't go unpunished.

"So you won't answer even just one of my questions?" She questions sadly, and without looking back I could tell she would be having a pleading look on her face. But no matter how touching the sad voice is, I will not be saying a thing. What if I tell her about her death and she ends not standing up to the king?

"Yes." I answered simply, looking up ahead at the beautiful white clouds. Christian is flying high above clouds, but high enough for us to still be able to see the ground. We just don't want anyone spotting us.

"I hate you!" I could imagining her frowning as she said those three words to me. I chuckled.

"I'm glad you do." I yelled above the breeze.

"Whatever. Anyway, we have arrived our destination." She yells, pointing at the ground.

I looked down and at first I couldn't see what she was pointing at, then i looked closely, and there it was... the kingdom of Azra. 

Christian starts flying downwards and lands really far from the gates of Azra, so no one would spot us. We can't walk into the gate with Christian still being a dragon.

"I think is best we rest here till night fall... until Christian returns to his human form, then we can continue our journey." I said, sitting on a falling tree. Freya nods her head in supports and sits next to me.

We stayed there till nightfall, Christian turns back to his human self and then I eventually suggested we sleep there for tonight, and tomorrow morning we could go in search of Arkalis. 


Morning came, and the three of us got ready and journeyed into the gigantic gates of Azra.

We did some asking around for Arkalis, luckily for us... he is a really famous wizard at Azra so he wasn't hard to find. Apparently from what I heard, he is the king's special Wizard.

"Wait here, I will inform Arkalis the wizard of your presence." A guy who I think might be a slave cause of the way he looks, said to the three of us then exists the big chamber.

Christian, Freya and I not knowing what to do just waited. It didn't take so long for the slave guy to return and this time he had a really old man following him from behind.

The man had long scanty grey hairs, a really pointed nose, with a face that could be mistaken for one that has no blood in it. I didn't need anyone telling me that this old man is the Arkalis the Wizard I have been looking for.

To be sincere I did not imagine him in such form. My ancestor is ugly, I'm just glad they were able to evolve into beautiful human beings before it got to my generation.

"Arkalis the wizard, is a pleasure to meet you sir." Christian greets, bowing a little.

"The pleasure is all mine Christian." Arkalis replies smiling broadly, although because of his pouty mouth I could hardly see his broad smile. But anyways I should focus on the main thing here, Arkalis knows us!!

"You know us?" Christian questions confuse, asking the only question I had in mind.

"Of course I do. I have after all been waiting for the both of you." He replies shrugging.

"Waiting... for us?" I stuttered.

"Yes I have. And you my dear Anastasia... I must tell you that we have no time to waste, cause your internship in magic has just begun." He pats me on the back, I gulped.

I am excited to begin this journey in magic, but I am also nervous... what if I don't do great?

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