Best friends don't keep secret

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"To my long lost friend who I can't remember.... To the memories I yearn for....
To the love and friendship that is lost...
What must I do to get you back....
What must I do to feel your true friendship once more." Mrs Becky read from her book, *Poems recorded in historical ages* I don't know why but there was something about this poem that called onto me, it felt like the poets was actually speaking to me.

"This particular poem was writing by the infamous Aria Stark in the year 15BC." The teacher explains and now I get why the poem was calling onto me. Aria wrote the poem for me.

"According to Aria, she had this feeling deep down in her that there was a certain person out there in the word she couldn't remember, but felt she had this perfect connection with the person, a true friendship. Maybe a dear friend from her childhood... or someone she had a short encounter with. She couldn't tell. Her very good friend the queen, Freya the first shared In her sentiments. And maybe because of their each forgotten friendship, this was the reason they became best of friends." Mrs Becky paused, wiped the board clean.... She wrote on the board *FORGOTTEN*

"More of Aria poems were on forgotten encounters and memories. You would be able to find books on Aria poems at the book stores. Buy it and read it. This will be the end of todays class." Mrs Becky ended the class.

Students in the class wasted no time in getting up from their seats exiting the classroom, Britney and I inclusive.

"You know that is kind of messed up, remembering you once had a friend you shared a bond with but not actually remembering who the friend is. I don't want to ever forget you Anastasia." Britney pouts sadly.

It might be sad that Freya and Aria does not remember me, but I'm glad they do know of my presence. And I can't believe all Aria's poems were actually dedicated to me.

"You won't ever forget me silly." Pushing her head slightly backwards with my index finger.

"Ouch." She frowns rubbing her forehead.

"Let's go have lunch. My stomach is crying out for some food." I said to her locking my locker, and together we walked to the cafeteria.

I brought a coke and a burger, while Britney brought French fries and also a bottle of coke. We sat down on our favorite seats in the cafeteria that's really close to the cafeteria door, course we get to see new faces we have never seen before.

*If you want to meet with new people, I believe the cafeteria is your first option*

Britney and I sat down, I couldn't help but be happy that I am back at the present time. I can't believe I was actually considering leaving my best friend and technology for the past.

I can't stop staring at my phone since I arrived to the present... which was yesterday. Living in the past made me realize phone is actually one of the best gadgets man ever made. Like why spend so much time searching for someone when I could just call that person on my phone and pass whatever information that needs to be passed on.

I remember Arkalis would have to wait for weeks... if not a month to get a reply in his letter it's so frustrating. He was only able to send letters quicker, if he was sending it to his fellow witches/wizard like him.

"I have never seen you so addicted to your phone before." Britney stared at me wide eye... I had to drop my phone immediately.

Staring at her makes me feel weird a little bit, cause she looks so much like Freya and maybe this is the reason why I didn't really miss her so much. The only difference between her and Freya is the hair. Freya has a dark colored hair, while Britney is a brunette.

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