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I know I just wanted to come learn magic, but I have come to love the past. For some reason I'm not ready to head back to the present. Maybe is because I have a family right here in the past, I have Freya and Aria, and also Arkalis who Is the father of my lineage. I have just never experienced much love in my life as I have experienced here.

I don't think I can leave the past and just go into the present time, to worsen it all... They would not be able to remember me.

I smiled sadly at Arkalis, looking so helpless. I have no say in the matter, this is not where I belong.

"Don't worry, I would try to keep your memory fresher in my head. I am glad that before I died I did not only meet my offspring from the future but was able to pass on my knowledge of magic to her." He gave me a hug, taking me by surprised. I never thought Arkalis had the spirit of hugging in him.

"We should go and meet the others." Arkalis walks over to the door and I stood up.

"Do I have to tell the others. You did say that time would fix itself, they would not remember me." Maybe leaving without saying goodbye would be the best. Maybe I would feel better.

Arkalis turns around, "Well that is up to you to decide. You can either say goodbye or just leave. It won't make a difference to them, but would you love the difference it would make for you." He shrugged his shoulders and then walks out of the room, I did the same.

When we got to the dinning room, everyone was already seated, Arkalis and I joined them on the sinking table.

"Wow, this is a big feast." I states staring at the widespread of food on the dinning table.

"Yes, to welcome both you and Christian back home. The both of you have gotten so thin, I need you guys to stuff your mouth with as much food as possible." Aria said, dishing out food on Christian's plate while Freya dishes out food for me.

I smiled happily and started eating.

"Ohh my goodness, this is so tasty. I love this." I moaned out as the food hit my tongue.

"Glad you did. It's your favorite." Freya said, adding more food to my plate.

I suddenly broke down in tears, I tried to stop the tears.... But it wouldn't just stop.

"What is wrong Anastasia." Christian asked with worry, his hands on my shoulder.

I stared at the face of Freya and Aria. I shouldn't say a thing to Christian while they are here, I have to leave without saying goodbye.

"I just feel so happy to be eating good food again." I laughed in between my downpour of tears.

Freya laughed, Aria joined her.

"I'm glad we asked the chef to cook so much." Freya said to Aria.

"Yeah, we should definitely do this again just to get her priceless reaction." Aria let's out laughing hysterically. And I could only smile sadly, how can I tell them... that we won't be doing this again.

Christian and I ate to our satisfaction, till we couldn't stomach anything more in our stomach. I thanked Aria and Freya for their nice decisions in making so much food, thanked Arkalis then left the dinning room, heading straight for my room.

A knock comes on my room door the minute I hit the bed, "Come in." I yelled. Christian walks into my room, and I sat up on my bed wondering why he is here. Has Arkalis told him that we would be leaving.

"That was a really big outburst in the dinning room.." He states, sitting on the bed besides.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied shrugging. I guess Arkalis hasn't told him yet then.

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