a dragon slayer begining

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In the woods a man and women are running away from a group of dangerous witchs. These witchs is a dark coven bent on increaseing there power through dark magic. The covens name is called the eclispe coven because they destroy all light in the world. With them is a little boy only 9 years old who is in his father's arms like lifeline. The man has black hair,dark brown eyes and his right arm is bleeding. His name is zeke reaper. Next to him is zekes wife is named Zoe reaper. She has sliver hair almost white, blue eyes and is very beautiful. finally the boy in his father's arms name is Ryan reaper. He is a small boy with black hair like his father but has white tips, ryan also has blue eyes. Hearing the witch's get closer the adults had no choice but to leave there child and fight them themselves. Putting ryan down zeke gets on one knee.
"Ryan I need you to listen to me. You need to run far away ok and don't look back."
Zeke said as ryan shook his head.
" no I won't leave you, well run together."
Ryan said as his mother goes down to his level and caress his face.
"My sweat boy, we don't want to but one day you'll understand. Here this is a treasure that has been passed down through the generations of my family."
Zoe said taking off a pedent and putting it on ryan. It's a red pendent with a sliver dragon wrapped around it.
"Your father's family may be a powerful coven of witch's but my bloodline is special as well. Maybe one day you'll understand."
Zoe said as the witch's get closer.
"Son we love you and we'll always be with you my little dragon."
Zoe said crying and kissing Jack on the head. Jack had tears in his eyes as his father pat his head.
"Rember this son we love you and one day you'll become strong. Strong enough to change the world.
Zeke said as notice lights coming toward them.
"Run ryan, run!"
Zeke said as ryan ran in the opposite direction, tears flowing down his cheeks. Ryan ran threw the forest hearing the sounds of fighting behind him. He runs till he sees a house in the woods. Ryan wanted to go there but was so tired he fell down not seeing a figure running toward him.
(next morning)
Ryan wakes up confused because he's in a unfamiliar bed. He gets out of bed frantic as ryan sees a girl his age come in.

"mom! He's awake!"The girl said as ryan hears footsteps coming towards them

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"mom! He's awake!"
The girl said as ryan hears footsteps coming towards them. Ryan is put on edge seeing a woman.

"Who are you?! Where am i? Where's my mom and dad?!"Ryan asked worried and clenching his pendent

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"Who are you?! Where am i? Where's my mom and dad?!"
Ryan asked worried and clenching his pendent.
" Hey its alright everything is going to be alright. We found you last night infornt of are house unconscious."
The women said gently trying not to startle him.
"What happened?"
The girl asked curiously but ryan shook his head.
"You wouldn't believe if I told you."
Ryan said thinking they don't know anything about the supernatural.
"Your supernatural right?"
The women asked as ryan eyes widen being put on even more on edge now.
"Don't worry we're supernatural to. My names Haley I'm a werewolf. This is my daughter hope-."
Haley said introducing herself.
"Im a witch."
Hope said proudly puffing put her chest making ryan smile slightly.
" my names ryan reaper and I'm a warlock, I think?"
Ryan said confusing them.
"You don't know?"
Hope asked confused
"My dad's family was a coven of dark witch's. My mom though, well I don't really know? She said our family was special but she never got the chance to explain."
Ryan said sadly tearing up at thought of his parents who are most likely dead. Hope seeing him sad hugged him making him stiff.
" it's OK. Mom always said it's alright to cry."
Hope said as ryan let himself cry letting hope hold him. Haley crouched next to them and brought them into her arms aswell. She felt sad for the boy for having a difficult childhood like herself and the rest of the mikaelson family. Breaking the hug Haley wiped Ryan's tears as he calmed down.
"You don't have to tell us what happened to them if you don't want to."
Haley said as ryan nodded gratefully as hope looked at her mother.
"Mom can ryan stay with us?"
Hope asked wanting a friend to play with. Ryan eyes widen not knowing how to process the question. He liked them from the brief time they met each other. The problem though was that he didn't want to put them in danger if the witch's come back. Haley was thinking about if she should let him stay aswell. She didn't want to throw him out but she was already in danger because of the enemies the mikaelson family made over the years, she didn't want to add coven of dark witch's to the list. But she relented seeing how scarred ryan was.
"Alright you can stay as long as you need."
Haley said as ryan looked nervous.
"Thank you but it's OK, I can go. I don't want to cause any trouble for you guys."
Ryan said not wanting to cause trouble for them.
"Ryan stay. I can protect you from them. Besides where are you going to go."
Haley asked raising an eyebrow.
"But what if they come back, I don't want you to get hurt."
Ryan said looking down. Hope grab his hand and he looked at her.
"Please stay."
Hope said because she have never met anyone her age and didn't want him to leave.
"OK I'll stay for now."
Ryan said as Haley and hope smile happy. Hope let's out a yay as she dragged him around the house showing him the place he'll be staying. Haley gave him his own room and the kids talked all night till Haley came in and told them to go to bed. Ryan fell asleep and started to have nightmares about his parents. Hope who was just across the hall came in.
" ryan are you alright?"
Hope asked worried about him.
"I kept dreaming about my parents."
Ryan said sadly. Seeing him sad hope climbed into his bed and went under the covers hugging him.
" what are you doing?"
Ryan asked blushing
"I'll sleep here so you have any nightmares."
Hope said as ryan felt calm that she was there. They fell asleep in there arms until Haley came in the next morning. Haley thought it was adorable that they were sleeping together.
"Hey you to, it's time to get up you two."
Haley said shaking them awake. The two kids wake up rubbing there eyes.
"I made some waffles come down and eat."
Haley said as they run down stairs as she giggled at there excitement. She walked down to the kitchen and saw them sitting at the table plates ready. Haley put some waffles on the plater adding fruit and whip cream to it. Ryan scarfs it down not eating anything almost two days now. Hope and him play the rest of the day. Drawing, jump rope tag or any other game they could think of. Hope shows him her magic, making a flower bloom. Ryan learned some magic from his parents but it wasn't pretty like hopes was.
" please, come on show me."
Hope pleaded to Ryan who was unsure whether he should show her some spells he knew.
" I don't know, the spells I know arn't very good."
Ryan said nervous
"Please Ryan I want to see."
Hope pleaded again making ryan relent.
"Fine, let's set a target up."
Ryan said going over to a snall thin tree and kicking it. Ryan was born with a very strong body for some unknown reason and knew how to add magic to his body to increase strength. So when he hit the tree it got ripped in half. Walking over the tree he starts chopping pieces into pieces useing his bare hands. Hope mouth flew open shocked at what he did.
" woah! How you do that!"
Hope asked as ryan turned his head to the side confused.
"I just fused magic into my muscles? Can't you do that?"
Ryan asked confused
"No!? I'm little!"
Hope Said comparing herself to ryan who is almost a head taller then her.
"Huh? Most not have learned that spell yet?"
Ryan said putting five blocks of wood down on a post and moving away with hope. (I'm not writing down Latin spell names)
"This is somthing my, dad taught me."
Ryan said wincing when he mentioned his dad. Ryan shook his head and whispered somthing in Latin before shooting a small fire ball at one of the targets. He hits it making a loud bang and also destroying the target. Haley runs outside seeing ryan shooting another fireball at a piece of wood. Hope jumped up and down clapping.
"Wow your really good. Can you trach me?"
Hope asked as ryan rubbed his head sheepishly.
"What's going on."
Haley asked as the kids look at her like deer in headlights.
"Ah nothing."
Ryan said as Haley gave him a look.
" don't be mad mom. I made him show me."
Hope said as Haley sighed.
"It's fine but no magic unless I'm here from now on, I don't want you two to get hurt.
Haley said kissing her daughters head amd patting Ryan's before going back inside. The two kids giggle at not getting in trouble and there friendship blossomed from there. Over the next 6 months ryan stayed with the two enjoying being apart of there little family. Haley told Ryan about thd mikaelsons and that she is trying to wake them up. Ryan told them more about his parents and his past. Ryan has also started calling Haley miss Marshall much to her displeasure because it made her sound old. One day Haley met with an old women named Mary.
"OK you Two be good for Mary, I'll be back in a few days. With some more family aswell."
Haley said kissing them both on the forehead before getting in a big loading truck and driving away. That night hope screamed making ryan and Mary run in.
" Hope what's wrong baby."
Mary asked sitting next to her and hugging her side. Ryan goes to her others side worried.
" I had a bad dream."
Hood said as Mary rubbed her shoulders lovingly.
"It's alright I'm here."
Ryan said as he and hope fell asleep in each other arms like they did when ryan still had nightmares. Next few days ryan and hope spent time with Mary and we're enjoying themselves. Hope was anxious about meeting her father and the rest of her family but ryan told her everything will be alright. One day they found Mary gone and Haley at there room.
"Hey hope, you want to meet the rest of your family."
Haley said holding her hand out for her daughter. Hope looked nervous so ryan took her hand gently dragged her to Haley. Haley smiled at ryan being supportive and how hope felt at ease with him. All three walked down stairs where ryan could see 5 people outside on the porch.

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