the beginning of hell

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Kol,Rebecca and ryan drove into a old path where Rebecca said the temple was.
"We should get out it isn't far from here."
Rebecca said as the car won't be able to go any further. They stop and get out of the car.
"This way."
Rebecca said as they walk down a small hill. They walk for 20 minutes before kol start complaining.
"You sure this is the right place."
Kol asked as Rebecca groaned
"Yes, now shut up brother before I make you."
Rebecca said as ryan rolled his eyes at the sibling squabble.
"No need to get testy sister."
Kol said as they see what looks like an old temple but the only thing left was a wall.
"Thsi is it!"
Ryan asked angry that he won't find anything about his heritage.
"I suppose it has been a few hundred years since I been here."
Rebecca said as kol noticed Ryan's pendent glowed red a little bit.
"I think where in the right place."
Kol said pointing to the pendent.
"Woah. It's never done this before?"
Ryan said as he noticed the wall had a hole in it. Going closer to inspect it he noticed the the hole was snapped like his pendent. Taking off his pendent ryan plunged it in the hole. Nothing happened at first but then a glowing white hole was made. Without waiting for Rebecca or kol ryan walked through.
"Wait. That bloody brat."
Rebecca said following him in.
"Well I'll just wait out here."
Kol said but Rebecca had came out of the door and pulled him in. Behind them the door closed to looking as if it wasn't touched. Inside they see a dark  tunnel lit up by torches.
"Well this isn't creepy."
Kol said as they walk down the tunnel. They come to a room filled with status of dragons each one having a word at its base. Flame,air,iron,darkness were the names under each dragon. Ryan felt drawn to one statue in particular, it was the one that said darkness. There was another statue that said light but the statue was in peices.
"This place is incredible."
Rebecca said as she looks around.
Ryan said putting his hand on the dark dragon statue. When he touched it lit up with some shadow like energy flowing off it.
" what did you do!"
Kol yelled as ryan backed up
" I don't know?! I just touched it and this happened."
Ryan said as the statue started to Crack before exploding. Kol speed back to not get hit with Rebecca doing the same but ryan in her arms. Out came shadows as it started to form into a dragon.

 Out came shadows as it started to form into a dragon

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"It seems you have awakened me young dragon slayer. My name is skaidrum the dragon of darkness."
Said skaidrum as all of there jaws dropped.
"Yo-u-r a DRAGON!"
Ryan yelled suprised
"That's what I said kid, geez are you hard of hearing."
Skaidrum said as they sweatdrop.
"No I'm just suprised I thought your kind got killed a long time ago."
Ryan said
"I see. Well your not wrong, I'm technically dead. My and my brethren sealed ourselves in these statues for the day when a dragon slayer would come."
Skaidrum said
"But why seal yourselves in the first place."
Kol asked as skaidrum sighed
"Because we were being hunted by a being even us dragons fear."
Skaidrum said
"What the hell is scary enough to make you afraid. I mean come on your a bloody dragon."
Rebecca asked
"Agnologia, a dragon slayer but not like you though. He became less human and more dragon. His hatred for my kind turned himself into a monster. Agnologia kill hundreds of us and didn't stop his rampage until we were all dead."
Skaidrum said sadly
"What happened to agnologia?"
Ryan asked
"Me and brethren sealed him away with the help of a powerful mage named merlin."
Skaidrum said
"Wait merlin? I have heard legends about him. He's real?"
Kol asked as skaidrum nodded
" Yes merlin was a friend to us dragons so when we called for his help he came. But I can feel the seal weakening, I don't know when but agnologia will be free again."
Skaidrum said as they become worried.
"But you can seal him again can't you?"
Rebecca asked worried.
"No, I am only a spirt giving you dragon the tools you need to defeat him."
Skaidrum said as ryan gulped.
" what do you mean. I can't beat him."
Ryan said
" Yeah he's just a kid."
Kol said actually worried for ryan. Kol has come to like ryan and began to think of him as family.
"Yes you are but you are also a dragon slayer. I will give you my remaining power and teach you darkness dragon slaying magic." (I'm changing it darkness instead of shadow, you'll see why later)
Skaidrum said as ryan forgot everything else after him learning Magic.
" really!"
Ryan said now excited.
" Haha yes. My spirt can only last maybe a few years so I'll have to teach you as much as I can in the time I have left."
Skaidrum said as ryan looked a little sad. Skaidrum moved his claws and put it to Ryan's forehead.
"Don't be sad, we are now connected by the power of darkness."
Skaidrum said as shadows start flowing off ryan.
"Woah that's cool."
Kol said impressed.
"But why. When I learned about me being a dragon slayer I thought maybe it won't be like my dad's side. But it's the same thing, I'll always be surrounded by darkness."
Ryan said as he falls to his knees shadows only come off in whisps now. Kol and Rebecca looked sadly at ryan knowing that kind of legacy haunts you.
"OH and why is the dark a bad thing."
Skaidrum said as ryan looked up with tears in his eyes.
Ryan asked confused as to what he meant.
"Darkness may not be pretty but it serves a purpose. When I was young I was shunned by most of my kind because they thought I was evil. It wasn't till I met another dragon, weisslogia. He was the dragon of light and was loved by everyone. Weisslogia saw the real me and we became somthing of brothers. He showed me that darkness is always being there to protect the light of the world. So be the shadow that protects the light my young dragon slayer."
Skaidrum said as ryan wiped his tears.
"You got it. I'll be the shadow that protects everyone."
Ryan said smiling.
"Good don't worry about fighting agnologia alone. Another dragon slayer your age came here and has gained light dragon slayer magic from my brother. You'll meet one day."
Skaidrum said as ryan nodded.
"I'll see you in your dreams ryan."
Skaidrum said as ryan became confused as to how he knew his name and what he ment by seeing him in his dreams. Skaidrum touched his claw to to Ryan's pendent and with a bright flash he was gone.
"What the hell! Where'd he go?"
Kol asked confused as the temple started to rumble.
"Think about it latter we should run."
Rebecca said ad kol picked up kol and started running out.
"Wait there could be more stuff in there!"
Ryan said trying to wiggle out of kols grip.
" sorry kid this place is coming down."
Kol said as the ceiling started crashing down. Useing the vampire speed they just barly get out of the cave. The wall collapsed behind them leaving only peices of stone. Ryan got out of kol grip and runs to the wall.
"Dang it."
Ryan said throwing a price of the wall into a tree breaking it.
"Ryan everything's going to be okay."
Kol said putting his hand on Ryan's shoulder.
"How!? I have to fight the dragon of all dragons or else the world is going to get destroyed. Not to mention the one place that could have helped me or tell me anything about my past just got crushed. So tell me kol! How are things going to be alright."
Ryan said huffing as he got surprised when kol pulled him into a hug. Ryan tried to fight it but kols grip was to strong.
" I don't know where to go from here but I do know you can't give up. I'll help anyway I can."
Kol said as he released ryan who huffed and looked away.
"Fine, let's just go."
Ryan said as they start walking to the car.
"It nice to see you've grown a heart brother."
Rebecca said smirking at her brother who gave her an annoyed look.As we're about to get into the car Rebecca and kol were thrown into a tree by magic. Ryan turned and saw a group of witch's from the eclispe coven.
"We have been looking for you dark prince."
One witch said as he pulled his hand back and ryan got pulled toward him.
"No let go of him."
Rebecca shouted but we're still stuck against the tree.
"I would worry about your selves first."
Another witch said as two more wit hs step up and broke there necks with there magic. They slump to the floor as Ryan's eyes widen in fear.
"Lets go before they wake up. There original vampires we shouldn't underestimate them."
The witch holding ryan said as they drag a struggling ryan to there van. They throw him in and use a spell to make him fall asleep. When he wakes Ryan's in a cell with two bed and toilet.
"Hello! Anyone there!"
Ryan yelled out to anyone listening. The door opens and a women comes in. Ryan recognized this women, it was his aunt Amaya.

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