A huge ass time skip

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I'm now in 11th grade. I text my friend Sakura to see if she's coming to my house today, or vice versa

Hai, I will /Sakura <3
Awesome /Y/N <3
This will be the day I ask her out. Maybe. Hopefully I don't shy away, or chicken out. But knowing myself, I probably will.
I take a deep breath, and wait patiently for her to come.

4 hours later, she's still not here. I started to get worried as well. She wasn't picking up her calls, and not seeing my messages, which was pretty odd. The worst goes through my mind and I start overthinking. I try convincing myself that she was probably busy and wasn't able to meet up. Who knows? I just decided to brush it off, but that uncomfortable pit in my stomach wouldn't go away. I decide going outside for a stroll in the park. It might get my mind off overthinking, and possibly give myself a break from anxiety.

Before reaching the park to chill, I text Sakura, as asking for a answer, considering how worried I am for her. A bit later, there was still no answer. I sigh, putting my phone in my pocket, and observing the view that laid in front of me. A park full of happy, smiling, and energetic kids. It makes me smile seeing how exciting they are going down a slide. One of the kids came up to me with a smile.

"Hi! :D" -Liam

"Oh hello!"

His mother came up and scolded him for talking to strangers.

"I'm incredibly sorry ma'am/sir/my friend." -Allison

"It's fine Miss, no need to worry!" -(Y/N)

She smiles deeply at me, and encourages her child to go play with the other children. She waved me goodbye, and walks away, to who I assume is her husband, considering once she reached him, she kissed him.

Just a little while later, I get up to go home, but the uncomfortableness from my gut that I had earlier, got worse. Nearly unignorable, but I just stayed still for a moment. I started feelig better so I went home for sleep, considering I do have school in the morning. I get a bit happier knowing I'll see Sakura at school. I start feeling determined, and excited for tomorrow.

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