Chapter 44: Setting Up Before Evening

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Marisa's POV

It's the early morning of May, pre-1st week...

Before the time of the sunrise, we all step in, having a rush to have the medics treat the wounds of where people have fought and been defeated through exhaustion or having their limit reached. The mission was a success in silencing the warfare during the night since Welden unleashed the invasion just so he can lure the fragments of the Noae where he can easily collect them. The killing count of civilians is severe, knowing that Welden's plan and fruition of the White Roses mean business to treat them as their sacrifices. This also means that the weak are the obstacle where it prevents them and their world from reaching their fully powered potential. That's why he has no hesitation to kill them.

"Take him to the urgent treatment room! His first defeat in battle is no joke! Don't let his breath be a waste!" The Vola Sivolie medical team brings my brother, carrying with a stretcher with his outer wounds patched up before he gets a major treatment in the urgent medical room. Certainly the place for only the people with trained personnel that is needed as a team for Vola Sivolie to survive. That is because we are now in the hideout of Vola Sivolie, which is Dalimend Huo Belisin's home. However, that's not her true identity to the public. Her true heart is like Tayana Von Granfinne, my lost aunt and my mother's sister. She was alone for many years since she was focusing on her studies, her life as a standard accounting, but now as a credentialed government official after learning Delk's plan and taking over the country with presidential authority and killing Granfinne and L/n.

I can't say that I would forgive her for abandoning us because she is powerless to maintain the Granfinne. It's because she wanted to be stronger, living her devoted life through every humanity, honoring my father's way. The relationship between both of my parents designed the core of light, keeping the hands of darkness, the blood where they harm the dynamic freedom away from my mother.


"How are you feeling?" My aunt asks me while I was sitting down by the door through the urgent medical treatment room where her medics are doing their best to heal my brother's impairments in his external and internal body. She was checking me, not just in general, but deeply mental towards me.

"I'm fine. I'm just glad that no one was brutalized to death." I answer her question. I lay low, fighting my depression after witnessing my brother's critical condition right before he would faint. I can't help and not leave him like this. He needed help and my support, giving him hope that he will be alive after suffering from a mortal fatal blow. I saw it, but then with blood and flame connected until his vital wounds have been reattached and healed immediately. What was that power? It wasn't just ordinary healing.

"I know that nighttime can be more painful than daylight. In war, you will have to prepare for the worse as always. There is no spare time since Welden and his White Roses are still active, retreated to their base. He now declares war on us, the country, and then on the entire world. And that time, we will have to deal with it sooner before anything else can happen." My aunt comforts me before she would leave.

"Wait, what about the world that we all live in. Right now, the news reported with Delk informing that you are now the enemy of all humanity!" I warn her since Delk controls the entire country and society. There's got to be a way to turn this around, showing that we all including Vola Sivolie are helping to protect everyone from the threat and terrorism.

"Yes, I was informed. But we are searching for evidence that could support our claims. We can't find anything unless we would look back at the history log from reality." That's great for starters when preparing to find visual evidence to present in court, but we do not know what kind of incident they would all throw at us. From the news we heard, we should be able to start from day one of the virus outbreak incidents, then towards his actions that are secrets away from the public. Anything else is yet to be found until it is time. "For now, those who do not have the degree of having to be part of the government should stand by. You are no match for the trial that will be settled by the evening today. You do not have the experience to know the rules of being a lawyer and the circumstances throughout the investigation." My aunt warns me that I should stand by and rest for now until her role is complete. Good to know since my brother needs time to recover and the connection is placed in my hands in the hope of his survival rate.

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