Chapter 54: What Is Thank You In Return? (LEMON 18+)

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A/n: Warning, LEMON Content detected! Contains explicit sexual content and smut. This is only for readers at the age of 18+. If you feel any discomfort or dislike, please do not read. All readers should be advised...!

Alec's POV

By the company of the Neutral Forces...

Have me go over the board with John by the break room during the afternoon. Like how we needed lunch to burn off the anxiety and hunger before continue focusing the aftermath of the trial from the courthouse. There are documents and reports where we all have to take responsibility when it comes to taking control of the government policies and protecting the innocent from any corruption Delk abuses. Now that he is no longer in the position of president, we can fix and get everything back to normal.

"After the damages of terrorism, thanks to the White Roses and the time wasted thanks to that lying man, now we are in charge of the government system and the laws." John makes a sip of coffee before telling me in detail the damages that have been done including investigating Delk's crimes. "After seeing the damage is too great over the city, the construction work will have to be a heavy fine for the time that we will have to pay for it."

"Could you say remodeling since things have gotten old?" I question since some old means dirty legend.

"The legend is most perfect from the past years since it was built after all the effort and plans for a better shelter. Since there are times when the streets are a mess, I guess we will go with the remodeling since most of us are sick of seeing the same models throughout the time. Or it's too boring and useless of the functions. That's what I would think, although..."

"What?" I felt worried that this could turn out about destroying the legendary old is most disrespectful.

"There are some people who like to stay that way but since it was destroyed, it will have to be replaced by the new." Speaking of how things are beyond repair that is. John did set out the planning with defenses and patrol groups through the construction, the streets, and stores. Because of the pending charges against the president who encourages bias, his people or supporters are still going after his words, so we all have to take full caution since the battle is not over yet. "I'm not sure how we all have to make sure that everyone stays on the right path instead of the insanity and corruption that leads to illegal acts and injustice."

"Speaking of bias, how are they, Y/n..." I tend to worry about the topic of Y/n and the others, especially the VIP, Noae. The people with Delk or fear of vampires are still out there.

"As long they tend to acknowledge the truth through Y/n's hard work, their lives may go on on good terms. As for Noae, the employees and fans of fashion modeling seem to be either confused or afraid. Complaints are piling up thanks to their discomfort." John mentions the papers that were filed by the people who have their hatred towards vampires, especially through jealousy. I never expected this to happen after the truth got out. "I was managing the company through my authority to spare Annelisa's lifeline through her job, even for her two daughters. But, they cannot bare the atmosphere since vampires are like viruses that infect humans after a bite is given. The tension was still but harassment is still lurking over, so I sent the bodyguards to protect them for their sake."

"I get it a lot that they wanted to have their normal lives when everyone knows that the Noae family is related to Y/n. But now since the truth came out, they're still victims of this biased nonsense." This is too much to worry about because when they might be hurt by harassment or bullied through the treatment of the bias.

"Then we just have to keep on fighting to change the world's view for them. The break time is almost over, so you should keep on investigating the cases." John finishes his lunch and checks the time on his watch before he starts to head back to his office. As for me, a detective work as an undercover agent.

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