Meeting Grumpy Man

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++++++++Once inside the school, I take in a deep breath inhaling the dull scent of paint

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Once inside the school, I take in a deep breath inhaling the dull scent of paint. "Well, I'm glad it doesn't smell bad," I say as I wrinkle my nose. memories of my old high school come flooding my mind I visibly shiver.

"Yeah I definitely don't want to go back there anytime soon," Sunghoon says in a daze remembering his time there as well.

"That high school was definitely a dark time," I say softly agreeing with Sunghoon.

"Lucky us, all the 02z have pretty much the same classes" I hear Jake say his accent prominent from excitement. "Let's go!" he says while pumping his fist in the air a bit with a wide smile on his face.

Feeling his contagious energy I smile and turn to Jungwon "We probably have most of the same classes," He nods slowly "Isn't there another younger one?" I asked as I put my finger to my lip trying my best to remember his name.

"Ah yes, Niki," Jungwon says while playing with his fingers "He's probably not going to like this situation," he says slowly.

"Well, it's not like I do either so we both just have to get over it," I say lightly while playfully nudging him with my elbow. Jungwon shows a small smile not seeming to be convinced. His eyes scan the room as if waiting for the younger member to appear unexpectedly.

Giving up I check the time on my phone. "School will start soon," I thought. I direct my attention to the three older boys who are goofing around and laughing. Rolling my eyes playfully I nudge Sunghoon to get his attention.

"Hmm?" He hums a smile plastered on his face.

"Why don't you three head to your class and I'll have Jungwon call Niki and wait for him here with Jungwon," I say loud enough for all of them to hear me.

"Alright that sounds good," Jake says happily.

Jay nods in agreement with him "Yeah, I already texted Sunoo and he is already at his class making friends so, you don't need to worry about him." he says while gathering his things.

Sunghoon stands up straight and salutes while saying "Yes, manager-ssi," laughing he walks off. meanwhile, I glare at the back of his head "You owe me," I say quietly to myself.

"So uh," I say as I turn to Jungwon "Do you mind texting or calling Niki?" The cat-like boy nods and pulls out his phone. "Oh, tell him that we aren't leaving this spot till he is here with us, "I say quickly. Having a feeling this boy was going to be troublesome.

"That's a good idea," Jungwon says as he types quickly on his phone.

"Yeah, I had a feeling he wouldn't listen to me," I say a bit embarrassed feeling like I am bossing him around.

I look over at Jungwon as we wait he looks nervous I tap his hand and we both jump a bit. "damn why is your hand so cold," I whisper yell not trying to bring attention to ourselves as I feel someone's eyes on us.

He looks at me in disbelief "My hands are cold, your hands are cold!" he says defensively.

"Hey my hands are always cold," I say as I put my hands in the air. "I have poor circulation," I say to explain. "But why are your hands so cold?" I question feeling a responsibility for him now as a 'manager' if you could call it that.

Jungwon looks down at his hands and lets out a puff of air. "My hands get cold when I am nervous." He looks at me and I nod my head for him to continue. "Niki," he says hesitantly another pause follows his words.

I decided to not say anything and continued to wait and listen.

"Well let's just say that something happened with an old friend of his with a similar situation to yours," he says slowly "He just wants to keep us all safe."

"Done talking about me," a deep voice lets out.

Of course not expecting it I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turn around to see a tall blonde-haired boy looking down at me with a condescending smile on his face.

Seeing the look on his face I frown, already knowing he and I aren't going to get along. Jungwon, noticing the tension straightened himself up and quickly started to change the subject. "Now that we are all here, we should get to class"

Nodding I take the lead and start walking to our first class.

Sorry for the short chapter, I had some good ideas but I forgot them all 🥲
But I have new ideas that work well~
Please enjoy :)

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