spring club

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We reached the club to see many people being drunk and dancing on the poles. Also, dancing like a madman. I laughed.

We sat down and ordered.

“Uh. 6 shots of tequila for me. What about you guys?”
Mingyu asked.

“I want 7 shots of vodka!”
Soonyoung said.

“2 shots of vodka for me and sparkling water.”
I said.

Mingyu looked at me

“2 shots? Why?”

“Not in the mood to be drunk. Just wanna be sober today.”

He nodded.

I looked around to see Lee Seokmin drinking and having women all around him.

What is he? A fuckboy?

The woman started grinding onto him and he was enjoying it.

I gulped.

Why was I jealous?

I hit Mingyu's shoulders with my shoulders.


“Look. Why is he doing this?”

Mingyu shrugged.

“You jealous?”

“So much. I don't know why.”

I keep looking at them.

He let the woman do the lap dance on him.

I watched them with the sourest face I have. I rolled my eyes.

He was so drunk.

He then kissed the women's lips like crazy.

Ew. Just ew.

The hand movements of the women lead to Seokmin's crotch as she caressed it.

Should I be watching? Nah, this feels like voyeurism.

I really want to ignore them but I felt so jealous.

He then gets up and started dancing with the women.

They were so physical in the dance.


Seokmin fainted and fall to the ground.

I was shocked.

I ran to him and went into the crowd. Going in.

“He's my friend. I'll deal with him.”

I said.

I slapped him across the face. He didn't wake up. I then put his arm on my shoulders and put my hand on his hips to ensure he doesn't fall. I went out of the club and search for his car.

I finally saw it.

I took his keys inside his pocket and start the car. I put him in.

We were in the car.

He's still not waking up. He must have been passed out.

I called my mother.

me » mom, I might be coming home late or might not be home tonight.

mom » why?

me » something bad happened. Seokmin pass out for being too drunk.

mom » oh? Please Channie, take care of him really good. I don't want my son-in-law to die any sooner.

I rolled my eyes. I ended the call.

Why are you like this seokmin?

I drive him to his apartment. Use his keys to open the door and went in.

Put Seokmin on his bed.

I added up cold water to a bucket and a handkerchief.

Seokmin, you're such a fucking idiot for this.

I wipe his face with cold water.

The cold water bring a huge reaction to Seokmin that he jumped. I got scared. He woke up like he was awoken from the dead.

I put my hands on my chest as I got shocked.

He squinted his eyes.


“You motherfucking idiot! you let the woman grind on you, kiss you and dance with you until you faint. What happened to you? You drunkard”

I smacked his chest.

“Are you worried?”
He smirked.

“Of course I am. I thought you were going to die on spot”
I rolled my eyes.

“How did you know I was at the club?”

“I was in the club too and I saw you.”
I said it, angrily

“Sorry I was having a hard time today. I thought maybe that woman could relieve all my stress.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Are you jealous?”
He poked my cheeks.

“Why would I even be jealous?”

“Because you seem offended, Lee Chan”

He got closer to me.

I felt panic. No bitch! I'm not gonna lose my virginity right now.

“If you have nothing to say, then I'll leave”

I said in a mean tone.

I was about to walk to the door when he grabbed my hands.

I turned and looked at him.

“Please sleep with me just for today, Chan.”
He begged.


Sleep as in?? Sleeping? Or? ....

“Sleep? Snoring? Sleeping? Not that weird thing. I just needed company. Please” 

I sighed.

“Okay fine, just for today”

He hugged me.

We went to bed.

I slept facing the right side so I couldn't face Seokmin. That would be so awkward.

Suddenly, I felt hands on my stomach hugging me from behind.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Seokmin is HUGGING me. Butterflies are in my stomach. I felt like crying. Someone help me.

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