Chapter Three: The Conversation

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 "Hey! Wait up!" He cried. Running towards us.

I went home with the Kanorianz a squad composed of all the boys in our class. As we were leaving the building, Echo called up.

"What's the rush?" I asked as if I'm curious to find out.

"Nothing, I just wanna go home with you. Why are you with these guys? Where's Jho?" giving that head to toe 'I-don't-like-these-people' look and then faced me.

"I don't know that bitch just disappeared at lunch and now after school, were you two in a fight?" I asked interrogatively.

"No... what would we fight over with? And what's there to fight for? You know what? I'm tired and I was just asking for her. In fact, I wanna go home." With a complaining tone which is super annoying.

"Go and chase that person away and don't complain here to me. Now, shoo!" throwing my and upwards making a wave in the air.

"I'm just kidding lol" he chuckles.

"I thought you two were in a fight since she was giving us both a cold shoulder." I shrugged.

"No, were not fighting. Maybe she just needs to sort things out."

As we started to walk slowly towards the gate, Echo and I see them laughing five steps ahead of us and after a few minutes, Brian, a K-pop star wannabe who has his moves pace dropped with us.

"How are you Uncles?" asked Brian in a jolly tone.

"Uncle my ass." I sarcastically replied, annoyed by the noun he used.

"Don't mind him, he's just in a mood. Jho left ahead without notice." Echo cleared out.

"Oh, that explains his bitchy attitude lol." Brian filled in. I rolled my eyes and didn't give a damn. He bumped his shoulder to mine.

As we were about to reach a nearby school. The guys switched lanes then suddenly, someone grabbed me by my left arm.

"Yo!" I startled to death.

"You're welcome." He responded.

I looked at the person in disbelief. It's him, it' Tong.

"What could possibly be going on inside this person's head?" I thought. As I am about to ask him something, he spoke.

"You were about to fall on that in front of that raging bike and this is how you thank me?" looking at me wondering as to what I was about to say. I didn't say a word.

"You've been out of place lately, what's wrong? Trust me, come on." He uttered.

"Oh... no (trust you my ass... yes, dream on.) I'm fine I'm just nursing an electromagnetic headache right now; I can barely focus." I frowned.

"Ah, then let's go get you some medicine, there's a pharmacy up ahead. I'll buy."

"No. I don't like taking medicines. Even prescribed ones." I defied.

"Hmm. Well, my mom wouldn't want to know that." He chuckles.

"Fine then but are you sure?" he continued and ended up with a question.


"I can handle this."

"'Kay, let's cross to the other lane." And grabbed me at my arm.

"Careful, you might trip your way across. You feel dizzy?" he asks reassuringly

"A little but it's no biggie."

He held my arm and my shoulder as we walked along the pavements. Echo and Brian walked a few paces ahead of us busy discussing something between themselves. They didn't even notice that I was no longer walking alongside them. Same goes with the Kanorianz, they kept walking ahead being goofy and loud as they have always been.

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