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Luck wasn't on Emery's side it appeared. The five sets of eyes that had snapped to her when her feet hit the dusty floor might've tipped her off. She gave a sheepish grin, but before she could speak two sets of arms flung around her shoulders.

"My word Georgie, is this what I think it is?" a cheeky voice exclaimed dramatically as the owner of said voice poked Emery's freckled cheek.

"It seems so Freddie! Our little badger is breaking the rules!" an identical voice chimed as he poked her other cheek.

Emery couldn't help but laugh as her favorite twins feigned tears, and cried "I'm so proud!" in perfect sync. She playfully batted their hands away from her face, her mirth clear in her expression as they simply went to messing up her already wild curls instead.

"What is a goodie two shoe puff doing down here anyway?" Draco Malfoy haughtily huffed, eyeing Emery warily.

The Wayne Heiress narrowed her eyes at the blond's rude tone, "I do not need to explain myself to you."

"Why? Because I'm a slimy Slytherin?" Draco sneered back.

Emery raised a brow, "Snakes are reptiles, love. They have smooth scales and their skin is dry. It's a common misconception that they're slimy. But I think that's just because of the uneducated fools that keep confusing amphibians with reptiles. Two completely different classes-" A gentle hand covering her mouth cut Emery's ramblings off.

"I think they get it, Ems." the affable voice of her best friend chuckled. Emery, ignoring the pink now dusting her cheeks, beamed Neville. "Oh! Nevie!" she chirped when he moved his hand, "Those flowers you got me are absolutely gorgeous! They're only sprouts right now but Morgana are they so pretty!"

Neville's own smile brightened, "I knew you'd love those. The Songbells are coming along nicely as well. Mum and Dad liked them too when I showed them to them during our visit. I'm thinking of giving them some clippings when they fully mature."

"Oh, that would be lovely, Nev." Emery smiled, looping her arm with Neville's, "I'll do the same with the Sundrops. They would make a lovely bouquet, especially if we added some lotus' and lavenders."

The two had forgotten about the four boys they left behind, continuing down the tunnel to Honeyduke's. "Instead of a bouquet, do you think we could make a small garden for their room?" Neville asked shyly, Emery nodded, "Of course! I mean, if St. Mungo's is okay with it, I think Auntie Alice and Uncle Frank would adore a garden!"

"They're in their own little world." Fred and George snorted, trailing after the two Hufflepuffs with Draco and Hadrian.

"It's nice to see Neville so at ease though." Hadrian mused, watching the female puff keenly. The three other Slytherins raised a brow at their friend. "Are you sure it's only Neville you're worried about, oh fearless leader?" Fred teased, George chiming in, "Or is there a certain little badger that caught your fancy."

Hadrian rolled his eyes, "Sod off you demons."


"You wound us,"

"You know very well we're imps!"

"More like Nifflers." Draco snorted before bolting down the tunnel.

Hadrian watched as he passed Emery and Neville before looking at the twins. It didn't take them long to process the jab before they were darting after the blond. George seemed to trip while passing the two puffs, while Fred quickly caught up with Draco and tackled the Malfoy heir. Emery laughed at the blond's misfortune as she helped George to his feet.

Neville sighed, looking akin to a tired mother of young children, as George took off to help his twin.

Emery giggled, looking very much amused, but Neville and Hadrian noted to sad and longing tones of her voice, "They remind me of Jason, Tim, and Dick, from time to time."

"Speaking off, I noticed you hadn't been getting as many letters from them after Yule. Is that why you're sneaking off?" Neville asked, knowing it was true, or at least partially true when Emery laced her fingers with his. They often held hands, mostly because they were both touch-starved children who missed the little gestures of love they rarely get from their family.

The Ambrosius Lady sighed softly, "Kind of. Would you let Professor Sprout know I left early? I didn't want to tell her in case she told the Headmaster. He definitely wouldn't have let me leave early, even if it's a family emergency."

Neville nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure she'll understand, but why do you think Dumbledore wouldn't let you leave early?"

She pursed her lips for a moment, then sighed, "Remember our second year, at the beginning of December?"

The brunet boy nodded, "Yeah. You were really upset, but you wouldn't tell me why."

Emery tightened her grip on his hand, "It's because Papa was in the hospital. He'd gotten hurt very badly and I was so worried, that I'm sure I had a couple of panic attacks. I had asked Dumbledore to go home early, just to make sure he was okay. But he had told me that because Papa wasn't my real family, I had no reason to leave."

"That bastard!" Neville growled, startling the Slytherin boys with both his raised voice and foul language. Emery, on the other hand, wasn't phased, as she'd seen his overprotective side before. She only nodded, feeling Neville rub his thumb along the back of her hand as if sensing her upset. She squeezed his hand in response, giving a small, thankful smile for the little gestures.

"You shouldn't have to sneak off to see your family!" he huffed, his cheeks slightly puffed out as he mumbled in anger, "I have half a notion to hex the old goat fucker. No reason to leave my arse!"

"Calm, Nevie. I think you've made our friends speechless." Emery giggled, poking Draco's cheek as he stared at the Longbottom Heir stunned.

Neville flushed, "Sorry." he mumbled, "But I stand by what I said."

"I know, Nev." Emery nodded, lifting Honeyduke's cellar door and looking around, "Will pranking him at the beginning of term next year make you feel better? We'll have a whole summer to plan."

"Much better. I'll come over after I unpack to plan." Neville agreed, much calmer as they navigated through the crowded sweets shop. Emery picked up a little bit of everything, knowing her brothers, Tata, and Papa would appreciate it.

"Alright, Draga*. I'll get Jay to help us." she smiled, giving him a sugar quill as they left Honeydukes. "Dumbledore won't know what hit him." Neville grinned, giggling a bit as he hugged his sister in all but blood, "But we'll talk about that later. Go home, check on everyone, get some rest, then owl me. Okay?"

"Yes, Mama Nev." Emery replied teasingly, "Love you."

"Love you too, Ems."

With that said, Emery hugged Fred and George goodbye and waved to Hadrian and Draco before apparating to Starlight Alley, a street off of Diagon that's rarely frequented. She found a secluded area and pulled out the Gringotts letter, whispering the phrase under her breath. When she did she felt the familiar pull at her navel before disappearing from the alley alltogether.

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