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Damian stumbled out of the flames but luckily was caught before he could hit the floor. Emery smiled small, "You'll get used to it eventually, Dams." she assured as she steadied him. He hummed, glancing irritably at the fireplace, "I doubt that, Uhkt."

She chuckled softly, guiding the disoriented preteen to a chair as she conjured a glass that she then handed him before muttering a spell. Damian was amazed as water steadily filled the glass. "I'll get Papa to make you something light, does he know about your diet?" the older Wayne said softly so she wouldn't make him uncomfortable.

In a rare bout of shyness, Damian shook his head. Emery smiled softly and tussled his hair, "Alright, I'll let him know then. Do you want that family meeting tonight after Nev and the twins leave?"


"Alright, Draga. I'll be back in a bit." she mused softly, then left the foyer. She found Alfred in the kitchen, the elderly man smiled warmly upon seeing her, "Welcome home, Emery."

"Thanks, Papa." she returned the gesture, as she hugged him.

"I'm sure you already knew this, but Damian's a Lacto-vegetarian. He was pretty shy about telling anyone." she hummed, "Could you make something light for him? The floo upset his stomach."

Alfred smiled softly, "Of course. I'll get him taken care of, when he's feeling better I'll show him to the Potions Lab."

Emery relaxed a bit and nodded, pressing a small kiss to his cheek, "Thanks, Papa."

"It's no problem at all, darling girl." he assured, gently nudging her towards the kitchen's exit, "Now run along, you mustn't leave your guests waiting."

The witch did a mock salute before giggling and leaving. She popped back into the foyer, finding Jason had now joined Damian. He seemed to be checking over the preteen as he'd done for her many times. It was nice to see the boys warming up to one another, took'em long enough.

"Hey, Dami. Papa's gonna bring you to the Potions lab after you've settled your stomach." she piped up, causing both boys to look at her as she walked further into the room, "I'm going to head up there now, but when you're feeling better I'll show you some of my favourite potions and runes, ok?"

Damian nodded, a borderline excited smile on his face, "Ok, thank you, Uhkt."

Emery simply smiled and pressed a light kiss to his head, "It's no problem, Dami. I'll see you in a bit." She looked to Jason, "If you want, you can come up with Damian. Nev's been wanting to collab with you on a prank project."

The two-tone-haired boy grinned sharply, "I'll be there."

She giggled softly and nodded, ruffling his hair before leaving the room, her giggles turning into laughter at Jason's indignant, "Hey!"

Chuckling softly, Emery continued up to the third floor where all the magical-related rooms were. She found Neville and the twins lounging in the library with piles of books surrounding them. Amused, she leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, "Making yourselves comfortable I see."

"Yep~" Neville chirped from where he lay belly down on the couch. Fred was laying on his back on top of him, using the blond's butt as a pillow. Meanwhile, George was sitting upside down on a recliner, two books hovering in front of his face.

Emery shook her head fondly at their antics before sinking into her favourite armchair. She sighed, suddenly unable to keep her eyes open. The three wizards exchanged looks, "Hey, Em... we've got plenty of time left for today." George said lightly, "Why don't you take a nap and rest for a bit? You've had a long day."

She frowned and rubbed her eyes, "If I do that I won't wake up for a few hours."

"And that's fine, babe. Theory and prank ideas can wait." Neville retorted softly as Fred rolled off of him, "Your health and well-being matter more to us. We'll work on homework while you sleep and maybe teach Damian a few things when he gets up here."

"Are you sure?" Emery asked, stifling a yawn. Her head was pounding, and at this point, she couldn't tell if it was the lack of sleep or the memory ritual causing it.

Fred dropped a thick-knitted, weighted blanket on top of her. "Very sure, Mama Badger," he grinned cheekily, "It's our turn to take care of you."

Emery sighed tiredly, but nevertheless curled up after reclining her chair and, while cuddling a badger plushie the twins had gifted her in their third year, she fell asleep. Fred adjusted the blanket to cover her feet as soft snores left her lips. Even while fast asleep she looked exhausted, it worried Neville and the twins, but they couldn't do much, Emery is a stubborn one.

"It ended up being worse than we thought," Fred muttered as he flopped onto the couch beside his partner. George nodded, "And there's still more we don't know."

Neville stayed quiet, eyeing his best friend worriedly. He had promised to protect her, but he obviously wasn't doing a very good job at it. "Everything about this situation is worrisome, but I'm most concerned about the erased memories. What did those bastards do to her that they didn't want her remembering?" he finally spoke up, clenching and relaxing his fists anxiously.

The twins exchanged grim looks, "Guess we'll find out soon."

All they could do was wait. The wizards occupied themselves with homework and prank ideas, periodically checking on Emery.

After a while, Damian and Jason entered the library.

"Uhkt?" the youngest Wayne called cautious emerald eyes flitting about the room. His gaze quickly landed on a bundle of blankets and plushies that thick brown curls were peeking out of. He and Jason relaxed.

"She's sleeping," Neville piped up.

"Don't worry about noise." Fred added. George, continued, "Gotta love magic."

Jason snorted as he flopped onto an unoccupied armchair. Damian was a bit more apprehensive and slowly approached. All four teens were amused by how the younger boy gravitated towards his sister.

Neville smiled at the young wizard, "Do you want to learn a bit of magic while we wait for Ems to wake?"

Though his expression remained blank, Damian's eyes glinted with curiosity and a bit of excitement. He wanted to learn about his heritage and become strong enough to protect his sister. Nodding determinedly, Damian agreed.

Neville smiled and summoned a book, "Alrighty then, first things first..."

If Walls Could Talk - HP/DCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang