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The rest of their time in Diagon was spent with the Black-Lupin family. It was the most Emery had felt like herself in a long time. She couldn't remember the last time she laughed or joked so genuinely. The realization only made her angrier toward Charlus and everyone else involved for stealing years of her free will and personality.

Emery hummed softly as they returned to the Leaky Cauldron, escorted by her mate and his family. Damian shifted his glare from Hadrian to the fireplace, much to the teens' amusement.

"I take it he's not a fan of the floo?" Hadrian mused, earning a slight grin from his mate.

"Not at all."

Neville, smirking amusedly, piped up, "Hey, Em. Fred, George, and I are gonna head back to start setting up."

Emery nodded, "That's fine. If the boys ask where I am, tell'em I'm catching up with someone and will be home soon."

The blond nodded and disappeared in a flurry of green flames. The twins follow suit. Damian stubbornly stayed with his sister, his arms crossed over his chest with a petulant expression on his face. Emery smiled fondly at the boy and ruffled his hair before looking at Hadrian.

"How do we want to do this?" she asked lightly, her uncertainty evident.

Hadrian smiled assuringly, "We don't need to rush into anything. We can get Potter taken care of first and figure it out along the way-" he tucked a stray curl behind her ear- "Whatever you're more comfortable with, I want to go at your pace."

She ignored the heat colouring her cheeks as she shyly averted her gaze, "Maybe we could go on little dates to get to know each other?" Her suggestion was met with a tender smile and agreeing nod, "That sounds great, love."

"Uhkt, shouldn't he meet Father before you go on dates?" Damian asked, once again using his native tongue.

Emery looked at her brother unimpressed, "You just want Tata, Papa, and our brothers to scare him off."

Demian, with pink dusting his cheeks, looked away. "I simply think that he must prove himself if he wants your hand." he muttered, "I'm positive the heathens would agree."

The witch chuckled softly at her brother's antics, "Will it make you feel better if he gets Tata's approval?"

"Pennyworths and the heathens too."

Emery shook her head in exasperation, but if it would make Damian feel better, she supposed it wouldn't hurt to ask. She looked back at Hadrian, who had been waiting patiently and watching the interaction with curiosity. "Would you.. be okay with meeting the rest of my family?" she asked hesitantly, "Not today, I wouldn't throw you to the wolves like that, but maybe after the whole Charlus thing is taken care of?"

Hadrian's reaction wasn't what she was expecting. Every time she'd asked Charlus if he would meet her family, he'd refuse, claiming that he was too busy as the 'Boy-who-lived' to leave the country. She suspected he looked down on them for being muggles and a squib. Hadrian, on the other hand, looked a bit excited.

"I would love to. You've mentioned your brothers and Tata, and Papa a lot that I've grown very curious to see what kind of people they are," he replied, a pleasant expression on his face as he grasped her small hands. He brushed the pads of his thumbs over them as he continued, "I'd like to show them that I'm worthy of someone as kind and beautiful as you."

The heat burning at Emery's face only grew hotter when she saw the earnest glint in her fated's green eyes. Her heart skipped several beats as she came to the realization that Hadrian was everything she'd always dreamed about.

Why couldn't she have met him first?

"O-ok.. th-then," she stammered, completely flustered, "I'll talk to my family and we'll set up a date."

"Alright, owl me when you're ready, love," he replied, his own heart jumping, "I've got to go, but get home safely, ok?"

Emery nodded, finding herself unable to properly articulate her words, especially when he called her 'love'. Morgana, was she always this easily flustered?

Hadrian smiled and kissed her head chastely before returning to his family. Emery was sure he hadn't realized what he'd done, but some part of her wished he did. She was in a bit of a daze as she gently ushered Damian to the floo, thankfully she was aware enough to keep the preteen from bolting after her mate with the intent of skewering him.

She spared a glance back at the Slytherin, a small smile finding it's way onto her lips when she caught his eyes. Hadrian couldn't help but grin back at her. He'd been waiting years for this to happen, and now that it had, it was feeling very surreal to him. He watched as the Wayne siblings entered the floo and disappeared in a flurry of emerald flames. He missed her already.

"Were we that obvious when we were that age?" Sirius asked loudly, a teasing grin on his face.

Remus snorted as Hadrian glared halfheartedly at his Pops. The teen smirked when his Dad replied, "We were worse, Siri."

"Really? I don't think we were." the shorter man mused.

"Sirius, you literally stopped Professor Slughorn's lecture on 'The Calming Draught' to say, and I quote: 'Sorry Professor, I can't pay attention because hot damn Remus looks good today', end quote." the werewolf stated dryly.

"Fair enough."

Hadrian chuckled at his parents banter. He was drawn from his bit of entertainment by a light tugging of his sleeve. Looking down, he found Lyra holding the hem of his sleeve, her green eyes wide with curiosity.

"Haddie wikes Emewy wight?"

The teen flushed a soft pink, "Very much so." He confirmed as he scooped her up off the floor. She hummed as she dropped her head on his shoulder, tiny hands playing with his curls

 "I wike Emewy too."

Hadrian chuckled softly, "I'm glad"

"Oh dear," Remus said upon noticing his how tired his young children looked, "How about we go home for a nap before dinner?"

After murmurs of agreement and a couple of nods, the werewolf ushered his family towards the appration point. Sirius leaned closer to his husband, wiggling his brows suggestively, "Maybe we can enjoy a little alone time while the kids sleep?"

Remus, with red tingeing his cheeks, shoved his husband's face away, "Only if you remember the silencing charms this time."

Hadrian cringed, "Double them if you have too."

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