Chapter One

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Chapter One

February 21, 4035

The distant rumble of a brewing storm echoed above the city. Looming gray clouds drifted across the darkening sky, slowly eclipsing the shimmering rays of the afternoon sun within its billowing mass. Vivid blue veins of light flashed, the charged streaks illuminating the murky heavens moments before a roaring boom of thunder shook the building. Hard droplets of water pelted the roof and great gusts of wind hammered virtual windows. Inside a crowded restaurant, the turbulent howl of mother nature was a mere hum below the companionable chatter and clink of silverware. It was day dreary enough to send most people scurrying back to the warm comfort of home, a trend that the patrons of Rizek were disinclined to follow.

The popular watering hole was packed.

Harsh rain and angry winds unable to stem the flow of soaked customers determined to spend the evening in their favorite establishment.

Built on one of the most coveted locations in the city, Rizek was the nearest watering hole to the interplanetary check-in station, its close proximity netting a majority of the hungry, space weary travelers willing to brave the downpour for a hot meal after a long journey. Despite the large crush of customers, the jam packed rooms of well behaved diners was a welcomed sight for the busy waiters and waitresses. Springtime on Rektan 7 saw hundreds of thousands of its low skilled civilians flocking from the planet in search of lucrative work opportunities inside off world mines. The rowdy crowd that typically frequented Rizek were made up of tough talking miners, unrepentant bootleggers and less than wholesome mercenaries that were more than willing to toss each other around after downing a few drinks.

With the roughhousing regulars otherwise occupied, Rizek was quieter, the demands and behavior of the customers pleasant and reasonable.

Absolute paradise to one particular waitress.

Kagome smiled at the table of diners, chatting idly and cheerfully while setting their drinks on the table. The party of six had given her little trouble. Patient, polite and respectful, the diners had been a joy to serve, much like the group before them. While her feet were aching and her back was starting to stiffen, she'd rather deal with this calm throng of people than the rude, often times smelly pugnacious ruffians that were due back in a matter of months. She'd take this small break and enjoy it while it lasted.

Come September, she'd be begging to serve these people again.

After ensuring her table had all that it needed, Kagome retreated.

Rizek was a modest, genial establishment made up of sectioned dining areas and a long translucent bar. Equipped with environmental projection floor, walls, furniture and ceilings, today's decor had been set to a tasteful, bordering upscale, eatery boasting hardwood floors, sky blue plush dining chairs, silvery sophisticated tables and matching wallpaper. It was a design they didn't use often, but with a restaurant full of patrons that would appreciate the polished flare, the manager had jumped at the opportunity to use the setting.

Striding behind the bar and down the hall, Kagome sent an inquiry to her internal computer system.

'It is 4:23 pm,' announced a cold, female, robotic voice.

Azure digital numbers appeared in her mind's eye, confirming the computer's broadcast.

"Two more hours and I am out of here." she sighed beneath her breath.

In the kitchen, Kagome found the cooks hard at work on the next round of meals. Having already made her rounds of her assigned tables; refilling cups, bringing extra napkins and condiments, the raven haired server had a moment to relax. Leaving the steamy room, Kagome wandered through another door and took a seat in the employee lounge. The room was empty of furniture and completely white. She trekked over to one of the bare walls and made the motion to sit. A translucent square formed beneath her bottom, expanding to cradle her back. The room exploded with color, and the outside world bled into the wall in front of her.

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