Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

February 22, 4035

Soft chirping penetrated her peaceful lull of slumber. A gentle breeze joined the melodic bird call, drawing a drowsy, contented sigh from the woman nestled in bed. Kagome hummed blissfully as the penetrating warmth of sunlight caressed her skin. Heavy lids lifted and sleepy blue eyes gazed dreamily at the lazily drifting clouds dotting a bright lilac sky. Exotic birds coasted across the luminous lavender canopy, trilling as their bright green bodies glided across her ceiling.

'Good morning, Kagome,' her computer greeted, 'It is 7:30 am. Today is March 3rd, 4035.'

The spirit boosting scent of coffee reached her nose.

Kagome rose slowly from her pleasantly plush pillow pile then reached up towards the artificial sun for a nice, full body stretch. Yawning, she tapped into the monitor of the living room's camera, viewing the display in her mind's eye, an action that would cost her extra when next month's expenses were tallied. A live image of the den emerged, and she was relived to see the bulky figure still where she'd placed him. Kagome zoomed in for better look.

He had made use of the bathroom sometime during the night.

Gone were his dirty clothes, replace with a clean white shirt and dark gray pants. He was upright on the couch, shirt lifted, palpitating the new band aid covering his wounds. Discomforted with her spying, warranted or not, Kagome disconnected from the monitor and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Supple, virtual grass met her bare feet, their springy sapphire blades an enjoyable sensation that tickled the sensitive flesh between her toes.

Indulging a second, quick stretch, she padded over to the open closet, a small twinge of disappointment blooming when the morning forest environment began a slow fade. The closet brightened as she crossed the threshold, and a trio of full length mirrors formed along the walls. A low hovering, translucent stool materializing in the center the reflective glasses formed. Kagome stepped onto the platform and turned her attention to her reflection. Her silky negligee morphed, splitting into a charcoal skirt and collared navy polo shirt complete with the black Rizek logo above her left breast.

She turned in the mirror, considering her clothing from different angles.

"Hmm." she hummed.

Sensing her dissatisfaction, the nanosuit shimmered, lengthening the skirt to her ankles, and encasing her feet in soft, slipper like shoes. Her braided hair moved up, wrapping itself into a bun. Nanonites crawled to her ears, forming navy droplet earrings. Approving of the modifications, she sent a voiceless command to the hover stool to lower and she stepped off.

Airy floral perfume sprayed as she passed through the doorway.

Dressed for work and in need of coffee, Kagome left her bedroom.

Icy amber eyes tracked her cautious entrance into the den and the fine hairs at the nape of her neck stood on end. In the heat of the moment last night, it'd been easy to be bold and assertive, to order him about and even threaten him when he stepped over the line. Concern for his health and her own safety had given her incentive, an excuse to be blunt, even aggressive. It was a different story now in the light of day. Injured and seated though he was, his glacial regard, heavy bulk and silent stillness was intimidating.


The predatory vibe radiating from the silver haired male a stark contradiction to the weakened state of his wounded body. He was more dangerous than he appeared. It was broadcast in the distinct motionlessness with which he held himself, and the hawkish, anticipatory weight of his stare. Weary, she stopped several feet away from the couch, nervous hands at her back. She held her breath, and fought the urge to retreat. Quiet tension sucked the air from the room.

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