Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

March 12 th , 4035

Wide, clear skies painted in various purple hues and littered with fat, puffy clouds stretched above the two familiar strangers as they left Kagome's dome. Smothered behind the blanket of fluff, a charming fireball struggled to share it warmth with the organisms milling below. A subtle downturn tugged at the corners of Sesshomaru's lips. Comfortable among the pitch black, vastness of space and the artificial environments his ship walls conjured, Rektan 7 felt harshly vibrant to his eyes despite his weeks spent on planet and the many Xaltaric oriented ventures from his temporary refuge.

Even though he would just as soon return to his spacecraft, he could not deny the gentle breeze was a welcome, delicate caress to his skin and the natural, earthy scent of nature an attractive perfume to his nose. Luxuries he often longed for during extended voyages across galaxies. No matter the technology he acquired, the raw essence that was nature had yet to be replicated to his satisfaction.

Contentment growing slowly beneath the picturesque scene, Sesshomaru indulged a glanced at his petite companion as they traveled leisurely towards the nearest teleport. The beautiful female had insisted a trek through the park would be good for them both and maybe a bite to eat on the way back wouldn't be remiss. Feeling magnanimous and in the mood to stretch his legs, Sesshomaru had agreed with a slight inclination of his silver head.

Such an outing would position him to delve further into the enigma that was this woman as well as an opportunity to reconnoitre a wider range than he'd been able to during his trips from meeting Delr'ik and back to Kagome's dome. From the moment they'd stepped outdoors, his system began a silent monitoring of their surroundings. The clandestine, low frequency sensor was wide and sweeping, scanning faces and buildings as they passed and analyzing the data it funneled. So far, there'd not been a single trace of the Gilrex, at least not in this solar system. Reports indicated the syndicate were scouring the space around Saratuo, but Sesshomaru was disinclined to lend any significant credence to the information.

The Gilrex were sly, crafty cretin.

He put nothing past anyone.

For all he knew, his enemy walked right next to him.

Even after scanning his escape pod wreckage, tormenting answers from those involved in his attack and running an in-depth analysis on the data he'd compiled he still remained largely in the dark about the cloak they'd used to ambush him initially. Where had it come from?

How did it function?

By what means was it detectable?

Where could he get his hands on one?

He knew next to nothing and that lack was unsettling.

With such glaring ignorance in play, he could not solely rely on the results his internal system presented concerning detectable threats lurking within his surroundings. His pursuers could very well be utilizing the camouflage device and he would not know it. Until he had thoroughly examined the cloak and developed counter measures to nullify its effects, all incoming reports would be met with heavy skepticism. For now, he would allow the superiority of his canine senses to take priority over internal read outs. Smell, sight, and instinct, his most honed defenses would take up the slack in his tech.

"We can take teleport 7, it'll put us right outside the park's entrance."

The softly spoken suggestion brought him from his musings and drew his considering gaze back to his female companion. Luminous sunlight gleamed against the raven pigtails nestled atop her bust, the shinny strands curled inwardly at the ends, drawing his assessing regard to the subtle, enticing breast bounce her leisurely gait generated. Sapphire gems peeped beneath thick charcoal lashes, their dark crescent seemingly darker in contrast to the gentle pink painting her cheeks. She was aware of his wandering eye, knew where his attention lingered.

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