sapphire blush (cocktail)

8 1 0

-1cup frozen strawberries

-2tsp thyme

-2tbs brown sugar

-2ounce fresh lime juice

-2ounce Bombay sapphire (gin)

-2ounce club soda

~blend strawberries, thyme, brown sugar and lime juice until its slushie~

~fill glass half way with ice~

~put 2 spoons of strawberry slush on top~

~add the bombay sapphire~

~chase with the club soda~


k so um first of all this is for adults

secondly dont ask why a 14 year old is writing this

thirdly i sadly dont have a picture but it looks really good

lastly it taste really good i recommend

anyways ask questions if u need to, byeeeeeeeeee :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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