Part 2

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"Finally, school finishes, I almost thought we'd never make it" May states with sarcasm. I laugh at her remark while waiting in line for the bus. This was the worst part of the afternoon, waiting for the bus. Kids lined up everywhere throwing food, screaming, pushing in, disrespecting the teachers. It is pure hell.
"Honestly this is worse than school itself" i say while making sure my bag is fully zipped in case some psycho kid try's to steal anything.
"Yeah your right, you'd think we'd be treated better now that we are seniors, but I guess that just in movies" May replies, then shoves an AirPod in her ear. She passes me the other one and we begin to listen to music while hopping on the bus.
After saying goodbye to May, I hop off the bus and walk home. As I walk through the grass I think about how everyday to me is like a blur. Nothing is exciting in my life anymore and I'm constantly hearing from my mother "so is there anyone in the picture, any boys that I need to worry about?"
I know she just wants to engage in my life and know what I'm up to but I am definitely not interested in seeing someone. I know no one would be interested in a nobody like me. My response to those questions from Mum would be "nope, I'll just stick with my fictional boyfriends thank you" and the conversation would end.
Suddenly, I hear a child like voice.
And just like that, a smile creeps across my face. I look up at the doorway of my home and their she was, my baby cousin. I run up to the door as quick as I could and pick her up, spinning her around. She laughs in awe and clings onto me.
"I missed you howwy"
"I missed you too Alira" I reply giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"What's happening out here?" I hear a familiar voice coming from inside, I turn my head to see Alira's Mum aka my cousin, Anna. Technically alira is my second cousin because she is Anna's daughter, but i just call them both my cousins. Anna and Alira moved up near us a few months ago to basically get away from Everything. Anna has had a rough past, being in an abusive relationship with Alira's dad and turning to drugs. So she decided to move up here with us, and it has been the best decision. Anna and I grew super close despite the age gap of 10 years, and Alira and I developed a really special bond. They both were their for me through my hardest times, and I'll never be able to thank them enough.
"So what are you two doing here on a school night? You normally come on weekends" I ask while swinging Alira around.
Anna comes closer to me. "Your mum thought it would cheer you up, she's says you have been down lately, are you okay?"
Of coarse mum would do that, she knows that Anna and Alira cheer me up.
"I'm okay, school is just tiring" she looks at me with her mouth in a straight line, she knows something is up.
"We'll talk later" she says, then walks back into the living room where my mum and dad are sitting.
"Howwy, play in room?" Alira speaks up, i smile and adjust her on my hip, "of coarse".

After hours of playing the same game over and over again, i then showered Alira and put a movie on ready to put her asleep. I basically look after her when she's here which I don't mind, I love taking care of her and it gives Anna a break. After Alira falls asleep I walk back into the living room where Anna sits with mum. "I'm off to bed girls, goodnight" mum says and gives me a kiss on the forehead. We both reply with "night" and I go to sit next to Anna. I lay on Anna's lap and start to take interest of the show Friends that was on the tv.
"So, how have you been?" Anna questions while playing with my long hair. I let out a big sigh.
"I'm fine, really"
"Have you made another appointment with your psychologist?" I start to sweat. I'm still new to this whole psychology, opening up shit and it's very overwhelming. But I feel safe with Anna and I know I can trust her.
"Yeah I have one next week"
"You liking it?"
"It's definitely hard, but Julie is lovely. She's really nice". Julie is my psychologist and she is really good at her job. I'm still trying to open up however as I struggle a lot with social anxiety. But I know I'll get there.
"Alright well you know I'm always here" Anna pauses, "I'm going to bed, I love you"
"Night Anna". I turn back to the tv and focus on friends as I hear her footsteps trail down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" I jump out of fright and turn around to see my younger brother, Jim. We are two years apart and I'd say we are pretty close. "Nothing, just watching friends" i reply.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure". Once the movie is on we don't talk, but it's nice to have his presence there.
As the movie plays, I feel my eyes start to get heavy, I close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep.


Hello, long time no talk!
I'm thinking about starting this up again, if it gets a lot of reads I'll definitely continue.
Hope you like!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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