epilogue 2

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sunwoo brought shiho inside the hotel room he just booked. once he had put her down on the bed, he stretched his body that was sore from carrying her and helplessly shook his head at the sight of her sleeping soundly.

it was one hell of a night for sunwoo.

his club event finished at ten and he immediately rushed to the restaurant where shiho was having her gathering with people from her campus when he saw the text sanha sent him. he arrived just in time to save her from a pervert sunbae and he rushed to bring her back to the school dorm, only to realise it was already past the dorm curfew.

sending her back to the dorm in her drunk condition after curfew hours would result in her getting demerit and warning and he was sure she would freak out the next day if that happens, so he could only take her to the nearest hotel outside university and check in there for the night.

by now, it was already midnight and sunwoo felt so tired he could fall sleep right away. he went to wash off first and slipped next to her on the bed, drifting him off to sleep.

however, few hours had not even passed when sunwoo was wakened up by someone none other than his girlfriend.

she was playing with his eyelashes, completely not realising she had woken up the poor guy.

sunwoo tried to sleep through it but she began poking his cheek and playing with his lips instead and he could not ignore it anymore. so he spoke out lazily, "im shiho, are you having fun?"

shiho's movement stopped. sunwoo turned his head and opened an eye to look at her, seeing shiho watching him intently. "kim sunwoo, are you mad?" she quietly asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"should i be mad?" he asked her again, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of unruly hair behind her ear.

"i'm sorry. i won't drink so much next time." she mumbled pitifully, her hands went to grab his shirt and she looked at him with glistening eyes. "don't be mad at me, alright?" she plead with a pout, resembling a kid who was asking for forgiveness after she had caused trouble.

sunwoo sighed, helpless against her coaxing and pulled her into his embrace. "really, im shiho, what should i do with you?"

"you are not mad anymore?"

"how can i be mad when you are looking at me like that?" he closed his eyes, hands brushing her hair tenderly, ready to go back to sleep when he heard her say something.

"i love you, kim sunwoo." it was just a small whisper and she tightened her hands around his waist.

"i love you too, im shiho."

many years later, when they were already married, this incident was brought up again on one random night.

"i still don't understand why you are so against me drinking in public. it's not like i commit a crime or something.." shiho grumbled, sipping on the can of beer as she watched the movie playing on the tv.

"you really don't know why?" sunwoo asked skeptically, his brow raised in amusement.

"no, why?" shiho frowned. she did not have any strange habit when she was drunk, did she?

sunwoo chuckled, leaned closer to her and gave shiho a kiss on the lips. "that is because, when you are drunk, you tend to mistook everyone as me. not to mention you will also ask for a hug or kiss and i really don't want to see you hugging or kissing someone that is not me."

shiho's face reddened and for a while, she was speechless. she was like that?? no way! she pushed sunwoo away and mumbled embarrassedly, "no way, i don't believe you."

sunwoo pulled her to him by her shoulder, "then, do you want to test it out? i'll be here at your service." he whispered, smirking meaningfully at shiho's flustered reaction.

"kim sunwoo, stop it. i–" she tried to push him away but sunwoo was definitely not having it. he closed the gap between them and things were just starting to heat up when the cry from the bedroom made both of them froze.

shiho chuckled, finding sunwoo's annoyed face amusing. "hurry sunwoo, your son is calling out to you." she teased him even further.

sunwoo shot her a look and stole a kiss once again, "just wait and see how i deal with you, im shiho." then, with a small sigh, he left to the bedroom to get their son.

the end.
(i'll leave whatever happen next to your imagination 😏😉)

a/n: and that's really the end for facade!! ahhh imagining sunwoo with a kid – it was honestly quite difficult to write because in my head, he is still young (despite him being already 22 years old) but it just what i feel?? like he's forever a maknae in my eyes okay?!

anyway, i hope you enjoy reading facade! visit the next chapter for a short post-mortem+q&a session!

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