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"are you okay, though?"

the moment the simple question left his mouth, kim sunwoo instantly regretted it. the question might sound as if he was concerned about her, when the truth is he was just trying to break the silence between them that seemed to make him grow restless with every seconds passing.

shiho wasn't expecting the great kim sunwoo to ask that question to her. for a second, she even thought that she was just hearing things but when she noticed how he blushed slightly and cleared his throat in embarrassment, she smiled — somewhat thankful that he asked the question.

after all, it had been a long time since someone even asked about her wellbeing.

"physically or mentally?" she could feel him looking at her from the corner of her eyes, but she focused her gaze on the ground.

"hmmmm... both?"

"physically, i guess i'm fine. as you can see, there is no bruise forming on my face, isn't it?" she sneaked a glance at him to see that he was watching her intently. his gaze gave her some weird feelings but she pushed it away and looked at the ground again.

"mentally.... i don't know. is it okay if i don't feel anything about it? it's not the first time anyway. guess i got used to the pain now?" she smiled and heaved a deep breathe. she didn't know that sharing her real feelings with someone could be this consoling.

looking and listening to her made sunwoo realised how hurt she had been. he thought she shared the same pain as him, but it turns out that what she experienced was way on another level of hurt, that even her smile looks sad in his eyes.


his word was cut short when his phone buzzed. sunwoo checked his phone in confusion and immediately got a bad feeling once he saw the sender of the message.

>hoe hyunjoon sent you an image<
>i managed to get a good picture of you two! you can thank me later 😉😘

"oh sh--!"

sunwoo cursed out loud, his eyes immediately scanning his surrounding and when he saw his two best friends approaching with a smug smile, he knew instantly that he was ruined.

"what's wrong?" shiho was bewildered as she watched sunwoo cursed under his breath.

sunwoo didn't even get to answer her question when a voice shouted, "oh, look at what we have here!"

shiho turned her head at the voice and gasped upon seeing eric and hyunjoon, standing a few metre ahead of them, their lips curved into a smug smile and in their hands were their phones that showed a picture of her and sunwoo.

at least the picture was taken nicely, she thought. but almost immediately she scolded herself for having such thoughts when she should have been worrying about the fact that she was busted for meeting sunwoo secretly.

not that meeting sunwoo was a crime though.

"what are you two doing?" sunwoo asked, his annoyance was crystal clear as he eyed hyunjoon and eric who stood next to him and shiho with narrowed eyes.

hyunjoon snickered, "the real question is, what are you two doing here?"

"we are just—" shiho tried to explain, but eric was faster as he asked tauntingly, "dating?"

sunwoo huffed and rolled his eyes in exasperation, "i'm off." he stood up from the swing and was about to take his first step away when hyunjoon spoke,  "if you want the whole school to have the picture i sent you earlier, you are welcome to leave." and that was enough to stop sunwoo from leaving as he sat back on the swing, not before glaring deathly at the latter.

"so..." eric drawled amusedly, "are you two really dating? like for real? you two? kim sunwoo and im shiho? the school perfect girl and...." he eyed sunwoo as he tried to find the right word to describe his friend, "that guy?"

sunwoo scoffed and was about to give a kick to eric when hyunjoon interfered, holding sunwoo down with a small, amused laugh. "anyway, since when? i definitely never see the two of you talking, nor did sunwoo ever mention about shiho to us.." he asked curiously.

shiho shook her head in denial,"you've got it all wrong! we are not dating!  like you said, it's weird if i date a guy like him.. right?" she grinned innocently and hung her head down when sunwoo gave her a pointed look.

"oh, come on! don't deny it anymore! we've got our proofs! first, the blazer. then, we found the two of you here. if you are not dating, how come you could have sunwoo's blazer? and why were you two meeting up secretly?" eric crossed his arms, his eyes watching the pair suspiciously.

"i—" shiho was at loss of words. she looked at sunwoo for help, and the latter sighed in defeat.

"fine. we are dating." sunwoo stated bluntly.

what?! shiho widened her eyes in shock, looking at sunwoo for explanation but sunwoo just cleared his throat and turned to eric and hyunjoon.

"there. you got what you want, right? then, we'll leave first." he smiled fakely and got up, pulling shiho's together with him. "i'll see you tomorrow. that is if you two are still alive."

sunwoo grimly smirked and left with shiho, hand in hands, leaving eric and hyunjoon to freeze in fear.

hi, folks!!!!

i'm back! i can't say enough sorry to show how bad i feel for making you wait for an update for so long

thus, to make up for it, i've written chapter ten ahead and i'll upload it tomorrow.

(p/s: this might be late, but to all my muslim readers, i wish you a good ramadhan and a happy syawal in advance!)

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