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"Okay, What's the first thing that pops in your head when I say chip and dale, I'm willing to be it's Thomas Chippendale! The London-based cabinet maker form the 1700s. Sick cabinet, Thomas! But I bet the second thing that pops into your head are these guys! But certainly, third would be those rascally cartoons chipmunks, Chip 'n Dale, or should I say Chip and me? And it all started the day we met"

A small Dale was seen on a huge yellow bus, at least compared to him. The doors of the bus opened and Dale hops on the door before jumping off the bus "Hello potential new friends!" He stated hoping a little bit during his sentence.

The teacher, who was a cow. Rang a bell that was around her neck, signaling the class needed to get quiet "We have a new student today. Everyone, say hello to Dale" She exclaimed gesturing to the small chipmunk.

"Hello everyone! Nice to meet ya" As he motioned into a bow. A small bunny and chipmunk looks over the kid in front of them to see him. "Uh..." He slightly gasped "I know" He turned around a grabbed one of the pencils behind him.

He turned around and placed the pencil as if it was in his eye "My eye! It's in my eye!" Kids screamed and one even threw up. "Oh no no no" the teacher mumbled, stumbling out of the open window. "Get it out!" Dale dramatically stated.

Dale nervously chuckled "It's a joke. See? I'm fine." The classroom was still in a panic one girl looked a him "Ew. You're weird." She stated. He sighed.

By lunch no one wanted to sit with me

He sat at a smaller table where a bunny was sitting. "Can I sit with you, no one else wants to sit with me" he asked mumbling the rest of his sentence. "Of course! Here sit in front of me!" She gestured to the seat in front of her.

They sat their in silence "Hey. Mind if I sit?" He proceeded to sit done next to Dale diagonal from the bunny. "That pencil trick you did was hilarious! It was excellent comic timing" He stated looking at Dale "It was so cool you should show me how you did it!" The bunny added.

"Really I kind of wish I hadn't done it" Dale mumbled staring at the lunch true in front of him "No way man. The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all." "I agree, just need a little bit of better timing and it would have been perfect, I'm Y/n by the way!" "The names Chip" "I'm Dale"

Chip then looked at both of them "So do you guys watch Crispy Cow?" "Hey! That's my milk" all of them stated in unison, a bad impression on the side.

"Chip was so funny and thoughtful about everything , Y/n was always motherly and responsible to everyone, and I never though about anything! We were all perfect together"
"Even though we were in the same grade, Y/n and Chip were like the older siblings I never had. Chip introduced me to cheesy crust pizza and funny old movie, Y/n introduced me to chaos of baking a cake, By high school us three were headlining the talent show."

The three of them were shown on stage Chip on the right, Y/n in the middle, and Dale on the left "And now for our grand finale" Y/n stated "The amazing Dale with juggle everything!" Chip finished.

Y/n and Chip both threw their items at Dale, which he caught for a moment but then they all toppled on his head. The crowd laughed
and so did the three.

"We knew we had something special. So after graduation we all packed our bags and headed to California."

The bus was show with Chip and Y/n inside Chip looking out the window "You're late! Come on!" Chip hollered a Dale running on the power lines "Move move move! Here catch!" Dale yelled tossing his and Chips stuff onto the floor by the bus. "Nice one!" Chip stated "Aw"

The tree of them were on the bus Y/n reading a book while Dale was sleeping on Chips shoulder. "Hey Y/n" he whispered tapping her shoulder "Looks at the view" She turned a looked out the window, moving a little closer to see the view, Chip smiled looking at her smiling out at the view. His faced dusted light peach.

Chip x Reader/ Baking DetectivesWhere stories live. Discover now