Present: Missing Monty

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Chip sighed "Come over and try to help Monty, ambush me, talking about a reboot." He drifted off. Looking over at a movie poster he keep mumbling "Think they can squeeze a dollar out of essential nothing." He rolled his eyes.

Y/n sighed and let him keep going "He's the one that quit the show in the first place.I've been fine without it. It garbage. Total garbage. That why it's better to not even have friends" He mumbled, then looked at Y/n "Most friends" he clarified.

"Actually that one looks decent" Y/n added pointing at a movie "Okay, yeah that one looks pretty good" He agreed.

"Okay we're here!" Y/n stated gesturing to the bakery door. She put the key in the door and it clicked open. She walked in and Chip followed her. "It smells like vanilla and flowers in here" Chip commented "Of course it does look at the walls" She replied.

The walls were a mint green and had vines hanging from the walls. Flowers were in baskets by the front door and records were on the wall behind the counter. There was a Tv in the left back corner across from the door to the kitchen. The counter was beside the kitchen door.

"Sorry the kitchen is a bit of a mess." She opened the door and the kitchen was spacious and island in the middle with a sink and pans hanging above. Around it were two stoves, another sink for dishes, the fridge for small food, and the cabinets for any food that doesn't have to be in the fridge. "Wow, Bon this place is well designed, I have to say"

The TV out front was playing the movie Batman Vs E.T. And they were close to finishing the cupcakes. Y/n placed them in the box and Chip took off his apron 'E.T. forgive bat' Was heard from the TV as Chip snuffled "Yeah, right, like that would happen" He mumbled.

Y/n laughed a little and Chip looked at her "It's not funny Y/n" He mumbled "Sorry, Sorry" She said smiling and grabbing the apron from him "I couldn't help it, it was a good movie though" She commented. She was out of sight when Chip's phone ringed.

"Hello." "Hey it's Dale. Don't hang up. Look I just got a call from the police and Monty's been kidnapped." "What are you serious" Chip asked "Who's that?" Y/n asked. Chip moved the phone from his mouth "It's Dale, Monty's been kidnapped." He told her, moving the phone back to his mouth.

"Yeah, it's crazy. The cops want a statement from us and Y/n since we're the last people he talked to. I'm gonna head back to his apartment I'll meet you both there. Okay?" Chip looked at Y/n "Okay Y/n let's go" He stated walking out of the bakery. She followed and locked up shop before they left for his apartment.

The elevator dinged and the two walked out "Chip, Y/n you're here" Dale spoke getting up from sitting on the floor "Of course, come on." Chip lifted up the cations tape and walked inside Y/n and Dale close behind him. "Poor Monty" Chip mumbled.

A putty police officer was seen picking up a fingerprint off the table. Y/n's cookies were spilled on the floor in the living room. "Damn I worked hard on those" She mumbled. Putty sliced it off with a peeler and put it in a bag for a toad who was standing next to him "Take this to the lab" He said, as the toad walked of. He turned to the trio

"You're the friends of the victim" He walked up to them "You got anything for me? Any know enemies or threats?" He asked "Yeah actually Monty told us he was in debt to the Vally Gang?" Chip said referring to him and Y/n.

"He was afraid of being bootlegged since he was somewhat of a star in the early '90s." Dale chuckled uncomfortably. The putty cop looked at him with a blank look. "He was on the Rescue Rangers." The cop continued to blankly look at Dale "We were on the show together" He continued the cop still silent.

Chip x Reader/ Baking DetectivesWhere stories live. Discover now