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"Why are you eating it with your hands?"

"I couldn't find the forks"

"It's in the drawer ? Yknow, the one that's like, right next to the dishwasher?"

"Like as if I knew, everytime I'm at your place, you won't let me stay downstairs, even if I was invited and Riez knew I was here, he won't let me go near the kitchen because I'm a 'guest'. I wouldn't know where

the dishwasher would be for the life of me"

He sighed

"He's just a goody-two-shoes and you're just incompetent"

"Don't use big words on me"


"I don't like to think too much about what the meaning of them would mean"

"You just don't think entirely"

"Thinking is a human act, I'm not human"

"Well you look like one, then act like it"

"..you'd say that"

"What does that mean?"

I stayed quiet, I refused to answer.

I scooped up a bit of the egg, and bite down on the sausage

He sighed, again

If I had a penny for everytime he sighed, I'd be a billionaire, like what they'd say

Why did the humans have to invent a word to label people with wealth? I don't get it

I don't get why humans like wealth

It's worldly pleasure you get to enjoy that'll soon be gone in a blink of an eye

Maybe that's why the value it? If so, they at least got one thing right, I guess

Valuing only the most valuable things

Things that can go away anytime, with no warning, nor mercy

I've felt that feeling countless times, some losts hurts, some are sweet

Only when it's a good thing, it will hurt

Only when it's a bad thing, it's sweet

Such a weird mentality

And he stood up

"You stay here, I'll get you a fork from downstairs"

"I'm fine, you don't have to get me one anymore, I'm almost done"

"But-" he sighed

"Yknow, there are some cultures out there that eat with their bare hands"

"I know, but they eat rice, which is clumpable. You, one the other hand-"

I snickered. He rolled his eyes knowing well what it was about, and sighed.

"..is eating a leaky egg yolk"

"It's not that bad"

"It's literally escaping your fingers right now, you're not getting any of that in your mouth"

"I'm god I can do whatever I want"

"If you're God, you'd summonned a fork out of thin air and maybe yknow, teleport to the kitchen and get it yourself?"

"..fair point"

He sighed

"Just.. remember to wash your hands this time"


"And don't just lick the yolk off your fingers, that doesn't count as 'washing your hands'"

"Goddamn it, Kiki"

"Don't call me that"


"Use my first REAL name"

"Okay, Eric"


I got up with a plate in hand and walked towards the door. My hand almost landed in the doorknob as he voiced

"Let me take the plate down, you just have to wash your hands"

"Why won't you let me send it downstairs, I don't think good 'ol Riez would mind me right?"

"Yeah, but it'll be awkward"

"It won't"

He scrunched up his nose and started to massage his nosebridge

"No, it'll be awkward for ME, I have to be the one who has to explain why their director is wearing MY clothes with no memory as to how you got in"

"That's easy, just said that you slept-"

"NO THATS EVEN WORST" he exclaimed, as he leapt forward and held my shoulders tightly

"Why is that worser??"


He shooked me around like a ragdoll. I forced my hand to try and stop his arm from shaking me and he finally stopped. I gathered some strength to speak

"Have you seen me??"

"..fair" he said with a straight face

He swiped the plate from me and opened the door

"Take a shower" he said

I nodded

And he closed the door

And I flopped on the bed

The Thoughts Of a GodWhere stories live. Discover now