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"I will literally drag you to the bathroom myself, GET. UP"

"Who are you to order God to wake up.."

"I'm Eric the harpy chimera and I want God to lift his sweaty ass off of my bedsheets thank you, amen"


"I said amen"

I sighed and I got off the bed like he asked me to, and proceeded to the door. The bathroom is a few steps away from the bedroom door. As I walked towards the bathroom, I thought about how small the hallway was.

Small? It's moderately sized.. is it? It's spacey, maybe because of the lack of furniture but then again there was a cabinet set right against a wall, maybe because it's an apartment, that it feels small, but for apartment standards it's wide?

Is this even an apartment?

Riez comes from a wealthy family and Eric, his cousin, is just living with him. He also has a boyfriend who I heard Riez's family paid his college fees for and pets, a cat and a dog respectively (which, most apartment complexes or hostels won't allow) all living under one roof

Can this be counted as a suite? Since he never mentioned rent or having to pay monthly. Did he paid upfront? Knowing him, he probably did, he probably tipped the bellboy too, maybe 40 percent more than what he's suppose to tip

He's really generous.

Or maybe it's just him being socially awkward as usual?

He'd do things that are considered weird to other people, mostly being oblivious to what is acceptable, money-wise. He'd no idea how to tip and would tip more than 10 percent of what you're suppose to, tell people to 'keep the change' even when the balance is more than two digits and donating more then enough for charity.

Once he heard the local girl scouts were selling cookies and decided to buy the entire stock of cookies for the month which went straight to funding the activities the girls would be doing for 5 more months and proceed to donate all of the remaining stock to kids coming from poor homes who couldn't afford to buy snacks regularly like other kids do.

He's more generous than any other human out there, and still decided to live a minimalist lifestyle. This apartment feels really homey and it's not the stereotypical 1-out-of-15-fancy-smancy mansion any other rich person would have, just a simple 3 bedroom suite.

For a human, he's really generous

It's rare to see that nowadays.

Being generous is a human concept I grasped a long time ago but I don't remember how now .

I turned the knob and slowly made my way towards the tub.

Walking, or more like tip-toeing on the tiles, still slight wet as I hold onto whatever surface I could just so that I wouldn't slip. The sink, the cabinet, the curtains, everything grippable and sturdy.

I don't want to slip cause I don't want to possibly get hurt.

Even when I am God, having a mortal body for the time being does not help a bunch, it has its limitation

That's why I don't enjoy being human, I'd rather be a consciousness. Just a detached form of thought somehow controlling all of the inner workings of the universe and at the same time an empty vacuum, a hollow space

Just like a dead log, able to house all kinds of organisms; woodlouses, moss, beetles, worms.. and still be hollow and dead, no longer housing the life it used to have, no longer serving its primary purpose but serving a new purpose, with the same objective

To house new life.

Being in pain is a human concept I don't want to grasp nor do I want to experience.

As I dip my feet into the empty, but damped, bathtub, I tried to balance myself by holding onto the edges of the tub, and putting my palm on the wall.

I'm taking extra measures by crouching down a bit so that if I were to slip and fall on my ass, I wouldn't end up with a broken hip.

The human body is fragile.

Humans would think they are the most smartest living, breathing thing in the world so they must be the strongest one too, right?

Little do they know all living, breathing organisms are fragile

One single blow to the back of their head and they're out,


One single lead bullet throught the roof of their mouth and it's done-zo for them,

One single kick of a chair and crack goes their spine,

One single slash on a big artery vine and boom, lights out,

One single big gulp of pills and it's sleeping forever

There's so many things that could the end for a human, yet they'd still take risks just for the thrill

Why would you want to almost fall to your death and boast about you trying bungee jumping?

Why would you dive into depths you wouldn't know what delves in and tell your classmates you went diving?

Why would you willingly scale in great heights and where noone would hear any calls of help and post on your feed that you went mountain scaling?

I don't get it at all.

Do humans not value lives anymore? Do they not care of dying anymore?

Mortality is a human concept I wouldn't understand.

As I reached the end of the tub, I stood up and reached my hand out to the tap and turned its knob

I felt cold, the comfortable kind, as the rain of water droplets soaked my body

I love water.

I love drinking it.

I love being in it.

And I love it on me.

I like taking showers and I love swimming.

Who would've thought such a simple substance be so important to the human being

Only consisting of two elements, hydrogen having two molecules sticking onto one oxygen molecule

It's like the most divine polyamorous engagement

Truly, a match made in heaven

Making humans rely on water was the greatest idea I'd ever churn out

It's better than the red, warm liquid I made from living breathing cells

I wouldn't be able to enjoy it right now if it wasn't for an idea I thought of several billion years ago

Loving water is a human concept that I absolutely love.

And I stood there, admiring the artificial waterfall

"Just like the good ol' times" I said

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