Chapter 57

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Jade dropped me off at the hospital and I ran inside. I asked for Morgan's room and ran to it. When I got inside, I saw Jeff and Matt. Jeff was looking at Morgan's heart monitor. Her heart rate dropped and rose. My heart dropped in my chest as Matt looked at me and led me out in the hall.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked me heatedly. Gail, Madison, Avril and Alexis showed up.

"What is she doing here? She left Morgan to die!" Alexis said. Avril nearly punched me but Madison held her back.

"She told me not to help her!" I said, knowing that was a pathetic excuse.

"Look I don't know who you think you are all of a sudden, but you need to get out of here!"

We turned around to see Ryah walk up. "I actually saved her life on numerous occasions, even though she wants nothing to do with me. You were friends with her, something I wish I had back with her! Why would you do this? Leave her for dead?"

Before I could answer....

"No, no no no no NO!" someone screamed. My eyes widened as we ran back in.

I heard the sound of continuous buzzing. I already knew what that meant. She flatlined...

We all sat there in tears until Madison squealed and pointed behind Jeff. Someone grabbed his hand...

"What the hell is all this crying for?" Morgan asked us. She picked up the sticky that fell off of her heart. "This cheap thing." She looked over at us. "Are y'all gonna answer me or stand there, mouths agape?"

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