Chapter 63

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*No one*

All of the knockout's walked out into the ring. There were talks about bringing in a new GM. Who was it? What was his/her agenda?

Dixie Carter's theme started up and the crowd started booing. She walked out with a microphone in hand. "Now, ladies, you have been called out here for one reason and one reason only, your future. Last week proved to me that you girls need supervision, and I know just the person to do it. No you aren't being babysat, but you will be put in your place if you step out of line. Lemme introduce the newest VP of the Knockouts."

Dixie turned to the entrance. There was silence for the longest time, before Replay by Zendaya started playing. Ryah walked out on stage in a very professional looking outfit. She took the microphone from Dixie and held it up to her lips.


"Miss me?" The crowd booed and I chuckled slightly. "I get it, I get it. I had an obsession with Morgan and it cost me. I came here for one reason and one reason only tonight. Not to steal boyfriends or husbands, I'm over that. But I am here to be the best damn VP I can be! I can be better than Brooke Hogan ever was. She quit when her personal life got too much. And I can sure as hell be way more impartial than Karen Jarrett ever was with you girls."

I looked to Taryn and glared slightly. "Taryn, honey, no one called for you to have a No DQ at TKO last week sweetheart. That wasn't approved ahead of time. But that's okay, ya do what you have to do."

She grabbed a mic from Christy and spoke. "Thank you, Ms. Hemmons. I'm glad you see it our way."

"That doesn't mean you can interrupt me, Ms. Tarrell. Since you say that no one can beat you, I propose that we have a tag team match for your KnockOut's title. You and Katy vs Brooke and Morgan. If Brooke or Morgan pin you, then either one will become the KnockOuts champion. If you or Katy pin them, then you'll retain the championship." I looked at the Dollhouse and Jade and Marti looked baffled. "Oh and Jade and Marti wont have a chance to interfere, because they are in a match as well. A handicap match against... Awesome Kong." I smiled as Jade and Marti flipped out and screamed. "Good luck ladies

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