Chapter 91

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Me, Jeff and (surprisingly) Ryah were all trying to get in touch with Morgan. She was dodging us for some reason and we really didn't know what. Matt was pissed off for some reason and he didn't talk to me or Jeff, although he almost told Jeff something several times.

We hadn't been this scared since Morgan took off to South Carolina with Shannon. Although, that time, she was with someone we trusted...well I trusted. Matt and Jeff were about ready to kill them and got the rest of their coworkers involved in it. This time, she was some deranged lunatic that tried to kill her and Matt was kinda mad about it. That's what I thought anyway until I got the phone call from Jeff.

"Hey, Jeff, whatcha need?" I asked one day as I came back from new baby shopping. My little one could pop any day now and I had to be ready.

"Has Matt tried to talk to you? I just got a call from Morgan saying that Matt hit her for some reason." The answer I wasn't expecting caused me to drop my bags onto the floor. Baby stuff was flying everywhere.

"What do you mean Matt hit her?"

"I mean Matt held her up against the wall and slapped her. Twice!" He sounded genuinely pissed off and right now I was too.

"When Matt gets in from carrying the groceries, I'll talk to him. Thanks for letting me know." I hung up the phone and waited for Matt.

When Matt came in, I grabbed the groceries and slammed them on the table. "Whoa, pregnancy mood swings?"

"You wish it was, buddy! Jeff called, he said Morgan said you hit her!" Matt's color drained from his face and I backed up slightly.

"Why did you it Matt? That's the last thing she—"

"She and TJ kissed."

"What do you mean she and TJ kissed and how do you know that's what happened?" I asked softly.

"Morgan walked passed me after getting into it with Khoya at the bar. TJ followed her calling her name and she turned around and she started making out with him."

"Matt, I'm sure Morgan didn't kiss TJ. She loves Jeff too much to try and hurt him like that, even if that's what happened several times before. That really gives you no right to slap her." I started putting the groceries away before looking back at Matt.

"You know, me and Jeff know that TJ has feelings for Morgan..."

"I know, he told me that the other night when I was at his place watching the preshow," I said. "And quite frankly, it's very petty of you to assume that Morgan has any feelings for TJ, when she clearly doesn't. You probably upset her with all of those accusations and then hitting her on top of that."

"I called her a whore," Matt whispered. "Because she is one."

"Really? Look, I don't know what went down between you and the last chick but I'm not like that, and I know that Morgan isn't like that. Not every girl that gets kissed while in a relationship with another guy is gonna hop into bed with them." I looked him in the eyes. "You told me countless times about Amy and I don't know what she was thinking cheating like that, but lemme tell you, neither one of us are gonna cheat on you and Jeff. Oh speaking of which, he's pissed off at you too."

"He'll probably kill me. Oh crap I forgot..."

"What? Did you forget the bread?" I asked digging through the bag. "Cause if you did, you need to get some."

"No, I forgot that there's an OMEGA event that we were apart of tomorrow."

"Okay, how does this affect anything?" I asked curtly.

"Morgan said she'd be there."

"I don't think she'd be there in the same room as you right now."

"Right, I know... Man I screwed up big time." Matt held his head in his hands and sighed.

"Let her do the Revolution thing and if she shows up tomorrow, pretend like nothings wrong. But I cant promise you anything."

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