23-This is Awkward

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Rowan and I didn't talk about his little freak out.

It was something we were both consciously aware of though.

Leo talked to me about it and I realized that Rowan was just mirroring the fears I had.

We had connected this summer, in ways neither of us could have imagined and the thought of losing that?

Well let's just say I didn't like the future I pictured without Rowan Monroe.

Fallon and Leo left yesterday and while I was sad to see them go I wanted to be able to enjoy the rest of the time I had with Rowan and even Lennox.

Time just continued to tick faster and faster when all I wanted it to do was slow down.

For the first time in years I wanted to enjoy the now. The present.

But sadly the future was just around the corner, like a looming shadow I couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried.

So I did the one thing I loved to do when I was stressed.

I baked.

This time it was chocolate mint brownies that made the house smell like Christmas in July.

I had made way more than I intended to so I packed some up, planning to take it to the rink after Rowan was done with practice.

I tried to keep my mind busy by cleaning the kitchen and then putting on some music.

Of course August by Taylor Swift came one and the lyrics had me hurling my phone into the couch.

Stupid music with relatable words, they always get me in my feels.

Needing another distraction, I head up stairs to shower.

Arizona did not take a break when it came to making the temperatures so hot you felt like your lungs were melting.

I play songs that do not relate to my current situation as I shower.

Once I'm dressed and ready to head to the rink my phone rings and I see it's a call from an unknown number.

Shrugging I decline it and slip my phone into my pocket before heading out.

I obviously sneak three brownies for myself before I make it to the rink and no I won't apologize... even though I have my own container full of them at the house.

It's tax for coming out here when the weather is cooking my insides.

Sitting on the bench, inside the building, I wait as I hear the class finishing up.

I know how much this means to Rowan and how leaving these kids is going to be hard for him.

I even think Nick started growing on him.

A few more minutes pass and I see Rowan and Lennox heading towards me.

"Oh girl you're giving me Deja vu, what sweet treats did you bring us this time?" Lennox asks as he rubs his hands together.

I pop open the container, "mint brownies, want to try?" I ask, looking over at Rowan and he nods.

Both he and Lennox grab a brownie and I swear they moan in unison as they take their first bite.

"Let me have another." Lennox mumbles and I realize he's just shoved the entire brownie into his mouth.

"Chew and swallow first, please." I tell him, and he starts to chew faster.

Then I look over to see Rowan had done the same thing.

Dear God I'm surrounded by twelve year old boys.

Speaking of boys, Nick makes an appearance and before I can say anything he nabs a brownie from the container I'm holding and shoves it in his face.

"Hey little man you ask before taking things." Lennox scolds.

He huffs, "my bad."

Nick looks at me, "can I please have one?"

Forgetting he's the devils son, I nod and give him another one.

"How many of those did you make?" Rowan asks and I shrug, "like three or four batches."

"Jesus we're going to be eating mint brownies for days." Lennox huffs

I glare at him, "Are you complaint?"

He shakes his head quickly, "no never, I would never complain about you making desserts, Casey"

I smile but that smile is wiped off my face at Nicks words.

"Is your favorite animal a cougar?" He asks and I realize the question is directed at me.

"Um, no why?" I ask, curious on what prompted him to ask.

He steals another bite of the brownie.

"My mom says you're a cougar and people you claim to be animals say it causes they like the animals. Like some days I pretend I'm a lizard."

My mouth opens in shock and Lennox lets out a snort.

A cougar?


A/N Pretty short chapter

Hope you're all doing well!!!

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