Chapter 8.4

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Grey clouds circled the sky outside. Candlesticks perched on the walls lit the room. Thank Saol that Charlotte had not chosen an outdoor dinner.

"This is one weird tasting bird." Charlotte spluttered out between mouthfuls. "A bit salty. Burned. But, good. What do you think?" The words were heard but did not sink in. Delilah had not listened properly since she had arrived. Her cousin continued to shovel down tinezool piece after piece, going so far as to steal parts of Delilah's own. While Delilah, oblivious to the theft, faced down the open door opposite her, unable to glance around the room nor eat more than a bite of meat. So many people. So many eyes.


"Yes?" She turned to her cousin's glaring face, brows creased and stern. The caramel rings of her iris were more noticeable with her wild hair pinned back into a bun. "Can I have your potatoes?" To which Delilah merely blinked a few times then moved her plate closer to Charlotte's. Another blink and three potatoes were already gone to which she pulled her plate back, leaving Charlotte to pout. 

"Too many and you will struggle in your corset." Charlotte rolled her eyes, then tucked back into her meal. Careless as to whether the sauce dripped onto and stained her light-coloured dress. White and gold – Charlotte never liked to wear black.

Although she was meant to be the elegant host and a pleasant lady, Charlotte was worse than the Albert Brothers, who asked for second helpings minutes after the bird was served. Delilah was yet to see her cousin's cheeks empty.

Three courses were planned before they would head to the House of Bas. There Delilah would be blessed in the presence of her guests, a pre-ritual to her coronation in three days. Bound to the duty of serving and maintaining the Franklyn line. Delilah's body tensed at the thought. She had never wished for that fate, nor such responsibility. Four days away and she was the furthest from prepared she had ever been. The grief and scars of Alder Creek gnawed fresh in her heart.

Four clangs of glass ended all chatter and song.

"Good day, my lovely guests." Baron began, standing from his chair. "I thank you all for coming. It is a great day in our history. Another I am proud to witness and shepherd as I present to you my dearest daughter!" Delilah was thrust into her guests' minds, forced into their attention once again for that pain-staking second before they all returned their hungry gazes back to her step-father. 

"For decades, our Kingdom has been quartered, divided between four noble families. Today, I hope to change that. I hope that our celebrations here, today, will not go unwarranted. For today, is the moment Delilah becomes the East Quarter's first Baroness." She darted her eyes around the room, watching as everyone hesitated with their hands, murmured beneath their breath, and finally broke out into brief applause. 

"And today, I also proudly announce joining my family with that of the South. Baron Albert, his sons, and noble lords and ladies have traveled far to be here. An effort that I hope I can return. My niece, the Lady of Cornswald, will be bound to Terence Albert, named heir of the South."

Cutlery clattered against the table but no words followed. The room grew hollow and small so quickly that Delilah knew not what to do. So worried about her own fate and distracted by the thunderous sons of Talfryn, she had not noticed Baron Franklyn planning the future of another. Orchestrating a new fate upon her cousin while they dined the previous day. Charlotte had somewhat paled, eyes blaring in alarm. All Delilah wanted was to reach out to her. Wrap her arms tight and never let go.

"I am sorrowed to lose her but overjoyed by the binding of our two great families. To Lady Charlotte and Lord Terence, may they live in the light of Saol, and be bound in the dark of Bas."

"Here, here." The party clapped. Raised their glasses to their lips and called words of congratulations. Then, the feast continued. Like no changes had occurred. No lives changed by a few devastating words. Delilah whispered to Baron, desperately pleading for answers why he would do such a thing and not ask Charlotte. Why would he rip a future away from another bright, intelligent woman? As always, he dismissed her. Slighted his hand towards her and chose to speak only to Talfryn on his left.

Delilah picked at her nails for the rest of the meal.

Charlotte ate no more.


"Now, let us head to the House of Bas. We have left the priestess long enough." At Baron's words, the congregation rose from their seats and hurried from the room. The head table was the last to leave but as the last person scurried out, Delilah reached for her stick, a hand clamped on her arm. A trembling hand.

Charlotte stared down at her plate, breathing heavily out of her mouth. 

One hand was on Delilah, the other pressed against her white and gold-flowered gown, right where the skirts bundled at her waist and joined with the bodice. Her chest threatened to heave out of the square neckline. "Breath, Charlotte, breathe." Delilah pressed her hands against her cousin's cheeks. Heat warmed the former's palms. Charlotte was burning up. "Breathe in for four, out for four. Just keep breathing." She could not tell if the heat boiling her blood was Charlotte's or from the anger bubbling inside her. 

Turning behind her, Delilah met Jonnie's eyes, pleading with him for help. He nodded and started forward. Baron Franklyn and Billy had left with the Alberts. There were only a couple guards and them remaining.

"Inform Baron Franklyn that I have escorted Lady Charlotte, and Lady Delilah back to the former's chambers, they will join the blessing shortly." The guard closest to the doors ran, heeding Jonnie's command. Delilah noted to thank him later, but for now, Charlotte was the priority. As fast as she could, Delilah moved out of the way so that Jonnie could lift one of Charlotte's arms over his head and carry her. Her breathing was still laboured and tears dropped to the floor. 

"Stop." Delilah's heart lurched as she spoke. "Leave us."

"But..." Jonnie did not move.

"I said leave us." She tried to keep her voice flat and unwavering. Her leg ached as she straightened. A wince almost formed but she stopped it. Acknowledging Delilah's command, Jonnie removed Charlotte's arm and ordered each guard to leave with him. Delilah could only assume they re-stationed outside the door.

Flinging herself as quickly and pain-free to the floor as she could, Delilah sat at her cousin's feet, resting her arms on Charlotte's legs. "Breathe. Just. Breathe.

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