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amirah knows it.

she just...

she knows.

it's been going on for a while and she wasn't proud of letting it stretch for this long, but she was still holding out hope — her faith in her boyfriend far too strong.

neymar had grown distant, farther from her reach, despite the fact that they sleep on the same bed and live in the same house — the house that was once coated with warmth, laughter and happiness, once upon a time.

the house that feels different now... cold, empty.

swirling the glass of red wine in her hand, amirah sits in the dimly lit living room, staring off at nothing in particular. the bottle is almost empty now; she'd been sitting and drinking and waiting for too long.

running a hand through her hair, she leans back on the sofa, her gaze moving to the ceiling above. her mind is racking with so many questions, questions like, where the fuck is neymar?

like, it's three twenty-seven in the fucking morning and he still hasn't come back from wherever the hell he went.

amirah's chest tightens painfully.

lately, she'd been washing neymar's clothes and finding lipstick stains that are nowhere near the shades she wears. pink isn't her colour.

lately, he'd been making discreet phone calls, even going as far as putting a new password on his phone.

lately, the kisses and hugs don't feel as warm. and the last time they made love? gosh, amirah could've sworn she was in bed with a complete stranger.

there's an obvious wall between them and she's aware of it. she's just ignori—no, denial is the right word. she's in denial of what her three-year relationship has whittled to.

on the outside, they looked like the perfect couple. they made headlines wherever they went, everyone feeding into the 'forever love' bullshit. but behind closed doors? their relationship was far from a romantic fairytale.

hearing the front door open, amirah's heart lurches in her chest. she dreads seeing him.

neymar creeps through the door as silently as possible, making sure every step he takes is delicate, but he immediately halts when he sees his fiancée sitting on the sofa.

unease suddenly wraps around his lungs — he didn't think she'd still be up.

"hey, amor," he greets softly, and it's almost cruel how gentle his voice is.

"hi, neymar." amirah responds, her voice sounding dry to her own ears.

"why're you still up?" he walks in her direction, soft lips brushing against her forehead and the gentlest touch of his fingertips grazing her arm.

he doesn't seem to notice how she cringes at his touch, her senses instantly picking up on the nauseatingly sweet perfume clinging to him.

shutting her eyes, the heaviness in amirah's chest bores down on her, making it hard for her to breathe. she feels like completely breaking down, but she remains neutral.

"was worried and waiting," she says, keeping her voice light and airy, "you've been gone for hours and your phone was off."

"i know, i'm sorry. my battery died."

at his words, which are clearly lies, amirah just hums and nods, taking another sip of her wine.

"how's your dad?" she then asks, looking up at her fiancé with hazy brown eyes.

neymar blinks. "what?"

"you said you were visiting your father," she continues calmly, watching him curiously. "how's he doing?"

neymar almost face-palms. he'd completely forgotten that, that was where he said he was going when he left the house.

"yeah, he's fine," he swiftly regains his composure. "we grabbed a drink and lost track of time, he sends his love." the lie rolls off his tongue like second nature.

amirah sends him a tight-lipped smile. "well, next time tell him not to keep you too long. i don't like sharing you."

at those words, neymar freezes noticeably. he clears his throat, forcing out a laugh as he scratches the back of his neck. "let's go to bed, yeah? it's late."

placing her now empty glass on the table, amirah doesn't protest when neymar grabs her hand and pulls her up from the sofa before leading her to their shared bedroom.

and as she lays down on the cold king-size bed, amirah can feel neymar's arm wrapping around her waist.

"i love you," he mutters, placing a light kiss just behind her ear.

feeling her eyes water, she doesn't respond. instead, she lets a few tears fall down her face as she closes her eyes, the pain finally spilling over at the possibility of him saying those same words to another woman.

of course she'll confront him about it, but not now. not yet. she doesn't have the guts to do so.

hearing the truth will be too heavy, and she just won't be able to handle it.

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