- meet the questers -

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The School of Gifted and Elite Students has made a substantive breakthrough in one of its many community projects that all juniors partake in. The class has been known to require a group of students to do something to change a communities norm or to put themselves out of their comfort zones for a semester before returning and talking about how said activity went and what was taken out of it. 

Nearly two years ago, this class was attended by the group of now rising freshman in university and the hit band, THE QUESTERS, was formed, lasting much longer than the semester required deadline. The band is a rock alt. cover band, comprised of students of different fields that attend the very school listed above with the mindset to change the social norm of what is considered "good" and "evil" music, while also giving a positive message to other adolescents about body and mental positivity.

So, we, The Royal Rot, feel it necessary to introduce you to the members of this band so that you can be just as informed as we are and begin to support this band with their message and music.

Tedros Pendragon - Lead Guitar and Male Vocals

Chaddick Pendragon - Drummer and Backing Vocals

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Chaddick Pendragon - Drummer and Backing Vocals

Beatrix Knight - Backup Guitar and Backing Vocals

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Beatrix Knight - Backup Guitar and Backing Vocals

Beatrix Knight - Backup Guitar and Backing Vocals

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Reena Sherwood - Backup Bass and Backing Vocals

Reena Sherwood - Backup Bass and Backing Vocals

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Agatha Woods - Lead Bass

Sophie Woods - Lead Keyboard and Female Vocals

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Sophie Woods - Lead Keyboard and Female Vocals

Sophie Woods - Lead Keyboard and Female Vocals

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