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Pencil watched as Leafy fought sleep. "Does she not sleep, or something?" Pencil asked. "No. Not really. Why's it matter? Were you planning on leaving in the middle of the night?" Firey responded "What? No. What would I even do anyway? We're so far from the city I wouldn't find my way back. Besides, no one there would want to talk to me anyway." Pencil replied. "I KNOW HOW THAT FEELS!" Leafy suddenly shouted. "Um." "Don't worry, this is just her way of keeping herself awake." Firey assured her. "Be quiet, Firey. I did basically nothing but sleep for an entire year while you were still in that cage. I'm sick of sleeping. Besides, who's to say Pencil won't leave in the middle of the night?" Leafy said, drowsily. "Who's to say Pencil doesn't just grab one of your knives and kill herself so she could be recovered?" Firey argued. "Who's to say I had any of those ideas in the first place-" Pencil interrupted. "Anyway, Pencil. You should try a Yoyle berry. After you eat enough, they don't taste half bad." Leafy stated. "Coming from the person who's eaten nothing but Yoyle berries for nearly two years-" Pencil replied. "Yeah, they still taste awful, Leafy." Firey retorted. "You just haven't eaten enough. Or maybe your sense of taste was also messed up." Leafy soon ended up falling asleep. "After being with her for just two days... She seems... Mentally unstable." Pencil said. "Tell me about it." Firey responded. "Do you think that's just because of being chased away?" Pencil inquired. "Possibly. It seems like there may be more to it though." Leafy woke up. "YOU STOLE MY PAPER SLIPS! I- umm..." Leafy blushed, embarrassed. "You good?" Firey asked. "I haven't slept in four days, what do you think the answer to that is?" Leafy asked with attitude in her voice. "Um. How do you even go that long without sleep and tell yourself it's okay to go that long without sleep?" Pencil questioned. "I don't." Leafy fell asleep again. "Again. Mentally unstable." Pencil stated. "Yeah." The two of them sat there in silence. 

"Sooooooo..... What's up with your alliance? Why do you think they hate you?" Firey wondered. "Well. When I found out Match was the one that made you blind, I lost it and expelled her, Book is completely unaware of any of this Dream Island drama, so I ignored her, I lost it on Ruby, and Icecue- Well... She's Icecube... She kind of hates everyone, some amount or another, and Bubble, she straight up told me I'm too harsh, sooo..." Pencil replied. "Rough." Firey responded dryly. "Yeah. So, what about things between you and Leafy?" Pencil asked. "It's... Complicated..." Firey responded. "Well, we've got literally all night." Pencil mentioned. "Well. She can be... Y'know... Violent. And sensitive. And we fight a lot... And I kind of hate her, and she kind of hates me... But we also kind of need each other? And... Um... When I think about her... I swear my heart almost stops beating-" Firey said. "Because she's gonna stab you in the heart, or because you have a crush on her?" Pencil was only half joking with the first option. "What? No. Neither!" Firey almost shouted. "Then what?" Pencil questioned. "I don't know." Firey's face turned red. "You have a crush on her, don't you?" Pencil teased. "No! Never in a million years." Firey yelled. "Then why are you blushing so bad?!" Pencil mocked. "Because... I- I'm dehydrating to death... Oh... The misery... Help me... Ahhh..." Firey said, clearly lying. "Okay, if you don't have a crush on her why are you really blushing so much?" Pencil inquired. "I don't know. I don't even notice when I'm blushing." Firey stated. "How? Your face warms up." Pencil replied. "I'm used to feeling warm." Firey responded. "It's been several months, almost a year-" Pencil retorted. "And? Before that I was warm my entire life. Because I'm a fire." Firey argued. "Got that much. I'm not that stupid." They were quiet again, and both ended up just going to sleep.


 im sorry you keep getting short chapter :')

Word Count: 692

Criminal (IDFB Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora