Chapter 4: Testing Day

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James pov

Athena *age 7*

Athena and I stood in her room's training area with the weapons on the table as we would begin in a few minutes. These were the very same ones Athena trained with: a wooden staff, handgun, small dagger, and a machete. She was skilled at each but excelled with the dagger in close hand-to-hand combat. Her agility is off the charts as it is one of the effects of her blood. For the past four years, I've taught her what I could to prepare her for what's to come and trained her to the best of my ability. I learned quickly that I would have to emotionally separate myself from her during training and teach her to do the same. I felt it was necessary if she was to take me, as well as her training, seriously. She understood why it had to be this way and never questioned it. It was strictly for her survival. Today is testing day, which means she would be training against other guard members while some council members noted her progress. They had recently informed the new chancellor of her existence, so he will also be attending.

The alarm went off, signaling that the door was about to open, and I gave Athena a nod letting her know to get in position. She stood on the training mat with her hands behind her back, feet shoulder length apart, and a thousand-mile stare is looking straight ahead at the wall letting all emotions leave her face. I looked towards the door and watched as everyone came into the room. I shook the hands of the council members before they took their seats. I was happy to see no doctors enter this time, and I can't say I was surprised. They backed off after I blew up on them for suggesting making chemical alterations to Athena for better and faster results. Over my dead body, would I let them do that to her. I insisted that I could get results naturally and that turning her into a lab rat was unnecessary.

  As I greeted the chancellor, I saw he came in looking around with nothing but shock and curiosity. I hope he is more understanding and accepting of Athena than the council. We'll need him on our side. "Welcome, Chancellor Jaha; it's nice to see you again. If you'd like to take a seat, the demonstration will begin shortly, and I can answer any questions you may have." I said, leading him to the other side of the training mat. "The blueprints say this is supposed to be the old guard's lounge, but I can see this is far from a dusty old room. It makes me wonder what else the council has been hiding." We had just reached the seats, and I could feel the council members' eyes on me, waiting to hear my response. "I'm sorry, Chancellor, I can only speak for what I know, and for the past seven years, I have been assigned to Project Blood Guard. If any of your questions, then the council or I can inform you of anything you wish to know about this project." I can't afford to slip in front of the council, but the first chance I get alone with the chancellor, I need to use it wisely.

"James, we're ready" Dean, my best friend and fellow guard told me. I nodded as he and two other guards stood around Athena, ready to begin. "Alright, you guys know the rules, no weapons this round. Strictly hand-to-hand combat aims to get your opponent to yield or get them off the mat. You may begin" The men waited to see if Athena was going to make the first move, but I taught her better. She waited till the guard behind her and the one on her left decided to rush her simultaneously. She used her speed and size to her advantage, making both men go off the mat in minutes. They underestimated her, and that was their mistake. Dean knew better than that, which is why he won the round. He knew not to take it easy on her so she could be effectively trained in areas of weakness. Though she is small, she has the speed and strength of someone twice her age.

Next, they used the wooden staff one-on-one. The goal is not to let your opponent knock your staff from your hands or make contact with your skin. Athena won each round; she quickly took out the less experienced guards but purposefully took her time with Dean. She managed to knock his staff out of his hand and then promptly moved the end of hers to his throat, leaving us all a bit stunned and impressed. Not once did she falter or show any sign of weakness, which made me proud. The rest of the testing consisted of shooting targets and throwing knives. She hit the bullseye with every attempt, and I saw some impressed looks off the council members while taking notes. The chancellor had been quiet throughout, so I wasn't sure where he stood on his thoughts of Athena and the project.
As the testing concluded, Athena returned to the stance she initially held and didn't move a muscle. I said goodbyes to my fellow guards and thanked them for the help. The council said to keep up the excellent work and would be in touch. I noticed the chancellor hung back, looking at athena with interest. "Thank you again for coming, Chancellor Jaha; what did you think of what you saw today if you don't mind me asking?" He peeled his eyes from athena to look at me before he spoke. "I'm going, being honest; although I've learned in my short time as chancellor, it's hard to know who to trust. When I was first told of this project, I was mortified they were using a child the same age as my son for some weapon. It disgusts me to think about, but I was also aware of my lack of power to change it. It was difficult to sit back and watch, but I have to say I am impressed." I was shocked he seemed to have the same bit of distaste for the council as I do. This seemed good for us as Athena will need all the help she can get.

"I'm glad to hear we share the same opinion. I don't take pleasure in training her like this, but it is what has to be done for her to survive." He looked back at Athena and hesitated before asking what seemed to be on his mind. "All this has me curious, and I hope you don't take offense in me asking, but I have to know. Does she have a soul, James?" I nearly choked on air as his question reached my ears. "What?" I managed to say before he spoke again. "I'm sorry to ask. It's just.... how she seems to be staring at nothing, and I have to know if there's a little girl in there or not. Is she just a shell of a trained killer just like they want her to be?"

I held up my hands to quickly reassure him. "No-no-no. I promise you she does indeed have a soul. We decided it was best not to show emotions in front of the council or during training. You're right. That is what they want, but I could never live with that. It is purely for her survival. If you don't mind me speaking freely, chancellor. My advice to you is to be careful around the council. I'm sorry you thought this, but I'm glad we could clear this up." I took a deep sigh. "Okay, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you, James. I look forward to discussing this in the future and wish you the best, but I must be going. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for either of you." He said as he went to leave the room, closing the door behind him. I let out another deep breath and looked at Athena. "You did good, kiddo!" I said before I knelt; she finally looked at me and jumped into my arms. You could say today was a success.

Thank you guys for all the likes and comments! I appreciate it! Sorry, it took so long to update; I promise to be better about it. Let me know what you guys think! I plan on doing one, maybe two more chapters before we start at the show's beginning, but I promise it's essential to the story. I'm about to start on the next chapter, so ill be back soon!

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