The Mysterious Young Man

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           "Hey baby, your wrinkles really compliment your ti- I mean your gorgeous eyes," said That Vegan Teacher, her heart pounding. (Because i'm lazy, I googled That Vegan Teachers real name which is Kadie so I shall refer to her as that now.) Kadie was never good at flirting, and so she took aside her anger on never getting a husband by eating plants and punishing her students. "Oh h-h-hey there... M-my name is Queen Cheryl. What's yours?" This skeleton looking women questioned.

"My name is That Vegan Teacher, but you can call me Kadie," Kadie replied.

Just as Kadie was about to flirt with Cheryl using animal mating tactics, she saw a young man approach them. The young man grabbed Cheryl's waist, grinding on her in the McDonalds parking lot. Kadie was very sad. She thought they had a connection.

"O-oh uhm i-i should get going..." Kadie said, frowning, holding back tears.

Queen Cheryl pushed the man aside.

"Can we talk in private?" she said , "Baby, I'll BRB."

She took Kadie's hand and led her to the McDonalds bathroom, locking the door behind her...

That Vegan Teacher x Queen Cheryl Where stories live. Discover now