The Cabinet

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"Wow!" Kadie exclaimed. The two girls walked into a cave. "This is your place?"

"Yeah," replied Cheryl.

The cave was nice. For a cave. It was rocky. There was a nice rug, kitchen area, and two doors.  Kadie wondered what was behind them. I guess Cheryl noticed her glancing towards them, because she grabbed her head and opened one of the doors. It was revealed to be a nice white room with furniture.

"This is my filming room! It's so none of my followers know i'm poor," Cheryl explained.

"Wait- followers? Like on Tik Tok?" Kadie asked.

"Yeah. Do you have followers too? Me and... Quran had a Tik Tok together. We have 2.8 million."

"Oh yes, I have 74.1 k."


"I think I need to change my password for the account now that Quran is gone. I mean, it is his account though... who cares. I should lock all the doors too." Cheryl said, "Anyways, enough talking."

Kadie and Cheryl walked out into the cave, when suddenly Cheryl got on one knee.

"Kadie, I know it's only been 5 hours of us being together... but I know we are soulmates. Will you marry me?"

"OMG! Of course baby girl..."

They embrace in a kiss, things starting to get heated. ( I ain't writing this shit so this is all you get.)Their tongues fight for domination, Kadies winning.

~ a few moments later

Kadie slammed Cheryl into the cabinet of the cave kitchen enveloped in a passionate kiss. Their clothes lye on the floor, when suddenly something falls out of the cabinet onto Kadies feet.

This something... was nothing other than... a raw, juicy, large steak.

That Vegan Teacher screamed in terror.

That Vegan Teacher x Queen Cheryl Where stories live. Discover now