The McDonalds bathroom

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"Hey, I don't know if it was just me," Cheryl whispered, "But... I feel something special between us. Something i've never felt with my nose ringed fiancé. Kadie, I don't know how to say this but I think you're my soulmate."

Cheryl waited for a reply, when Kadie lunged on Cheryl, pressing her against the cold tiled wall. She kissed her merciless, accidently powering her ultra aquatic mermaid no-breathing powers. They made out for 2 hours until Cheryl's fiancé knocked on the door.

"Uhm bros the stores about to close. I want my fiancé back." He said in an angry tone.

Quickly, Kadie set up a ritual.

"My bbg, Cheryl, if you really are my soulmate then you have to swear to be vegan for life, never harming animals. We can torture my dog Bella together, be homophobic (cuz that totally makes sense) and bully people for their religions together. Will you? If so, just piss on this candle right here and say 'I do'."

"Anything for you Kadie." She said, pulling town her tight jeans revealing a leopard print thong. She then pulled that down too, her bush flowing in the breeze made by McDonalds air conditioning. Her fiancée pounded on the door, and Cheryl quickly pissed on the candle in the center of the ritual set up. She said 'I do' and they quickly cleaned up together. As soon as Cheryl stepped out of the bathroom, she said...

"My fiancé, Quran, I am breaking up with you. I'm in love with someone else. I was tired of your small dick anyways." She said

That Vegan Teacher x Queen Cheryl Where stories live. Discover now